Expert Invitee/ Guest Lectures
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic "Understanding linkages between Sustainable Transport and Development Goals through a Systems Approach" at Centre for Transportation Systems (CTRANS) at the Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Roorkee on 17th January 2025.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic "Understanding linkages between Sustainable Transport and Development Goals through a Systems Approach" at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati on 13th January 2025.
- Invited as a Panelist for the session: "Reimagining Urban Futures: Mobility and Technology"organised by Future Cities Summit at TTJ Hall, ICSR, Indian Institute Of Technology(IIT) Madras,on 4th January 2025.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic "Quantifying Transportation System Impacts in terms of Quality of Life (QoL)" at Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH), Thesseloniki, Greece on 6th Dec. 2024.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic "Quantifying Transportation System Impacts in terms of Quality of Life (QoL)" at BITS Hyderabad on 16th October 2024.
- Invited as a Jury Panel member for Urban Mobility India (UMI) Innovation Challenge 2024 at the Mahatma Mandir Convention Centre,Gandhinagar,Gujarat on 25th October 2024.
- Invited as a Speaker on the panel Sustainable Urban Commute & Green Mobility for the event "Mobility Symposium 2024: Unlocking Urban Growth by Decongesting Cities" at The Leela Palace, Bengaluru on 3rd October 2024.
- Invited as a Speaker for the event "16th nasscom Design & Engineering Summit" on the topic "Can Smart Solutions Lead the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility?" at Sheraton Grand, Whitefield Bangalore on 4th September 2024.
- Invited as a Speaker to the session Powering Change: Regulations for Electrifying Transportation which will be held as part of the Prawaas 4.0 at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) on 30th August 2024.
- Prof. Ashish Verma Invited to deliver Prof. M. R. Krishnamurthy Memorial Lecture on "Understanding and Harnessing linkages between Sustainable Transport and Livability for Building “Brand Bengaluru” at The Centre for Public Policy (CPP), Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) on 26th August 2024.
- Invited to be a part of Final Jury member in Enroute Open Data Innovation Challenge, organised by WRI India, at Bangalore International Centre, Indiranagar, Bangalore on 22nd August 2024.
- Invited to participate as a Speaker for the roundtable session: Aligning road safety and climate resilient infrastructure of Insights – WRI India Sustainable Cities’ first research symposium organised by WRI India at Viceroy Hall, Claridges Hotel, New Delhi on 5th July 2024.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic: "A framework for assessment of Pedestrianization impacts on Quality of Life (QoL): Combining Subjective and Objective measures" at Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee on 14th June 2024.
- Invited as a Keynote Speaker on the topic: "Understanding linkages between sustainable transport and Development Goals through a Systems Approach" in International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Civil and Environmental Engineering 2024 (ICSTCE 2024) at Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology, PIMPRI, Pune on 7th June 2024.
- Invited as an expert invitee for the round table discussion on the "pivotal role of bike taxis in India's mobility landscape" organised by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) at New Delhi on 9th May 2024.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic: "Understanding Dynamics of Spiritually Motivated Crowd: An application of multi-source data from World's largest Human Gathering, Kumbh Mela" at Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar on 7th May 2024.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic: "Managing Commute- 2050" at Bengaluru 2050-Dialogues on Sustainability organised by, Rotary International Districts 3191 & 3192 in association with Sycom Global and Indian Green Building Council in Satish Dhawan Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science(IISc) on 21st April 2024.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic:"Understanding linkages between Sustainable Transport and Development Goals through a Systems Approach", in IIT Ropar on 23rd March 2024.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic:"Understanding linkages between Sustainable Transport and Development Goals through a Systems Approach", in Vellore on 20th March 2024.
- Delivered a guest lecture on the topic "Sustainability issues in Transportation" in Dayananda Sagar College of Architecture, Bengaluru on 18th March 2024.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic "Understanding Linkages between Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life (QoL)" for expert session in URBAN INNOVATIONS CONFERENCE-2024(UIC - 24), Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal on 2 March, 2024
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic:"Understanding Dynamics of Spiritually Motivated Crowd: An application of multi-source data from World's largest Human Gathering, Kumbh Mela", in Dept. of Civil Engg. at IIT Indore and invited to deliver an expert talk on the topic: How and what should be the way forward for public transport planning in Indore at Seva Surbhi Institute,GSITS Golden Jubilee Auditorium, Indore on 20th January 2024.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic "A Novel Simulation Based Approach for User-Based Redistribution in Bike-Sharing System" at Civil Engg. Dept.(CED) and "Understanding Dynamics of Spiritually Motivated Crowd: An application of multi-source data from World's largest Human Gathering, Kumbh Mela" at Centre for Transportation Systems (CTRANS) in Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Roorkee on 16th January 2024.
- Invited Speaker in online webinar on "Understanding Dynamics of Spiritually Motivated Crowd: An application of multi-source data from World's largest Human Gathering, Kumbh Mela" in Diginomics brownbag seminar during 13th December 2023.
- Invited as a Panelist for the titled "Who are cities made by and who are cities made for?" at Bengaluru Creative Circus organised by Purpose on 28th November 2023.
- Invited as a Panelist at the launch of Bangalore’s first-ever Climate Action Plan- (BCAP) during 27th November 2023 at Freedom Park Amphitheatre, Gandhi Nagar, Bengaluru.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic "Sustainable Transport and Livability" in NIAS-DST Training Programme on “Science & Technology: Global Developments and Perspectives” during 23rd November 2023 at National Institute of Advanced Studies(NIAS),Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bengaluru 560012.
- Invited as an Expert Speaker on "Sustainable Transport and Livability" in the 8th Seminar on "Travel in Cities:Towards Sustainability" is organised by Institute of Urban Transport (India) SVNIT Regional Chapter during 30th September 2023 at SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat.
- Invited to deliver a special Guest Lecture on "Sustainable Transport and Livability" in the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, during 25th September 2023.
- Invited to deliver a special Guest Lecture on "Sustainable Transport and Livability" in CEPT University, Ahmadabad, during 16th September 2023.
- Invited as a Panelist for Centre for Transportation and Logistics, IIMA ,workshop on Electric Vehicle & Smart Mobility for Panel Discussion on "Smart Mobility, Technology and Sustainability", in Indian Institute of management Ahmedaabad during 14th August 2023
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on "Understanding linkages between Sustainable Transport and Development Goals through a Systems Approach" in the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,Tamil Nadu,Chennai - 600036 during 8th June 2023.
- Invited to deliver a Guest Speaker on "Sustainable Mobility for Bengaluru" in the event "A Better Bengaluru – Emerging Commercial Micro Markets" organised by Corporates In Real Estate (CiRE) held at Hilton, Manyata Tech Park, Nagawara, Bengaluru,on19th May 2023.
- Invited to to deliver a plenary lecture in "1st Vision Zero Summit" a National Conference on Road Safety organised by MANIT Bhopal in association with the Government of Madhya Pradesh during 29-31 May 2023.
- Invited as a Speaker in the upcoming seminar series in Indore on the topic "Understanding Linkages between Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life - Learnings for Indore from Global Experiences" during 13-19 May 2023.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on "Evaluating Flyover and Road Widening Projects from a Transportation Systems Engineeign Perspective" at Dayanand Sagar College, Bengaluru on 17th April 2023.
- Invited as a panelist for a session on "a multi stakeholder convening with the aim of bringing together experts and citizens to better understand the BMLTA in the context of The Sankey Flyover project" at the Bangalore International Centre, Bangalore on 12th April 2023.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on "Understanding Linkages between Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life (QoL)" in Transportation Engineering & Planning Divn, CED, National Institute of Technology(NIT) Srinagar, Jammu Kashmir on 3rd April 2023.
- Invited to particiapate in Seventh Academic Council meeting and delivered a guest lecture on the topic "Interdisiplinary Research in Transportation Systems Engeineering" organised by ASCE student chapter, Rajashree Shahu College of Engineering, Pune on 11th March 2023.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "Use of Traffic Micro-simulation Models for effective Traffic Management" at Traffic Training Programme for Bengaluru Traffic Police Inspectors, organised by Traffic Training & Road Safety Institute, Bangalore-560077,on 8th March 2023.
- Delivered online expert lectures on "Understanding linkages between Sustainable Transport & Quality of Life" and "Crowd Risk Prediction in Spirituality Motivated Crowd" organised by National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research, (NITTTR) Bhopal on 3rd March 2023.
- Invited to deliver an expert guest lecture on the topic " Understanding Linkages between Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life (QoL) in Shri G.S. Institute of Technology & Science, Indore, MP on 24th Februry 2023.
- Invited Speaker on the topic "Transportation systems for Sustainable development" in BSS Science Conference at CV Raman Institute, Mekhri Circle(Opp to Air Force School), Bengaluru on 18th February 2023.
- Invited for the Discussion on Sankey Road Flyover and Road Widening Project- A Transportation Sysytems Engineering Perspective Bengaluru (including a presentation on Sankey Road Flyover and Road Widening by Prof. Ashish Verma) at Canara Union, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru on 29th Jan 2023.
- Invited as a Speaker on the topic "Public Transport: Past, Present, and Future" in an event under the “Jhanda Uncha Rahey Humara” initiative organised by Janaakrosh and the Indore Press Club in association with Indore Municipal Corporation, Indore District Administration, Indore Police and Indore Development Authority. The event will be held at Anand Mohan Mathur Auditorium, Indore during 29th Jan. 2023.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "Quantifying Linkages between Urban Transport and Quality of Life (QoL)" at University College London (UCL) on 19th Jan. 2023.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "Transportation Research @ IST Lab." at Transport Strategy Centre, Imperial College London on 19th Jan. 2023.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "Transportation Research @ IST Lab." at Birmingham Energy Innovation Centre, University of Birmingham on 18th Jan. 2023.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "Quantifying Linkages between Urban Transport and Quality of Life (QoL)" at Institute of Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds on 17th Jan. 2023.
- Delivered Invited Presentation on "Evaluating Adaptation Policies for Urban Transport with respect to Flooding " during workshop 1021 “Extreme Event Impacts: Flooded Roadways” on 8th Jan. 2023 as part of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting held during January 8–12, 2023 in Washington, D.C.
- Delivered Prof.T Anantharajan Memorial Endowment Lecture on “Sustainable Transport” organised by Alumni Association college of Engineering, Guindy (AACEG) & Division of Transportation Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai - 600025 on Monday, 12th December 2022 at 03:00pm at Seminar Hall Alumni Centre CEG, Anna University, Chennai-600025.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "Quantifying linkages between Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life (QoL)" at Dept. of Civil Engg. & IT, Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology on 7th Dec. 2022.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life (QoL)" at Dept. of Civil Engg., MANIT Bhopal on 2nd Dec. 2022.
- Invited to participate in 8th Urban Policy Dialogues (UPD)-2022 during 29-30 November 2022 at IIHS Bengaluru City Campus, Bengaluru.
- Invited as a panelist for a session on the topic "Innovation & Policy :(How Innovation & Policy is an enabler in mature economies of the world and how we can adopt for India)" at 1st Micelio Clean Mobility Summit in Global Clean Mobility Summit, Bangalore International Centre, Domlur during 28th November 2022.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic"Sustainable Transportation Technologies and Policy" in NIAS-DST Training Programme on “Science & Technology: Global Developments and Perspectives”21 Nov to 2 Dec 2022 at National Institute of Advanced Studies,Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bengaluru 560012 during 25th November 2022.
- Invited Speaker for the session"Taking India’s EV based sustainable transport System to the next level" at TrafficInfraTech Expo 2022 as a part of Smart Mobility conference 2022, in Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai during 16-18 November 2022.
- Invited Speaker on the topic "Evaluating the Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Sustainable Urban Transport Measures in India" in All India Seminar on “ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SYSTEM” at Institute of Engineers (India) in collaboration with Engineering colleges Organized by IEIKSC at The Institution of Engineers (India), Karnataka State Centre, Bengaluru-560001 during 16th November 2022.
- Invited Speaker for the session "Climate Change and Urban Transport Impact" in 15th Urban Mobility India Conference cum Exhibition -2022 on the theme of “Azadi@75 : Sustainable AatmaNirbhar Urban Mobility” organised by Institute of Urban Transport (IUT) India and Government of Kerala will be held at Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty, Kerala during 4-6 November 2022.
- Delivered invited talk on titled "Flood Resilient Transportation Systems in Indian Cities" organised by Breakthrough Science Society during 9th October 2022.
- Invited as a Key Speaker in Gen-Next Transport & Technology Summit – 2022 organised by Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology (RSET), Kochi, in association and partnership with Kochi Metro Rail Ltd(KMRL) scheduled on 8th October 2022.
- Invited as a Guest Speaker on the topic "Fatality risk analysis of vulnerable road users" for the VeoFest Event focusing on Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) in India,held in M2 Building in Manyata Tech Park in Bangalore (Hebbal area) scheduled on 28th September 2022.
- Invited to deliver a lecture on "Flood Resilient Transportation System in Indian Cities"in a six-day Technical Talk Series titled "Advances in Civil Engineering Practices" organised by REVA University, Bengaluru, scheduled on 14th September 2022.
- Invited to deliver Expert Lecture on "Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life (QoL)" in the International Symposium on Sustainable Development scheduled on 28th and 29th July 2022.
- Invited to participate as a Speaker for panel discussion at the inception workshop on "India Electric Mobility Index(IEMI)" in association with SSEF (Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation) and WRI (World Resources Institute) scheduled on 27th July 2022 at Hotel Taj, M.G. Road, Bengaluru - 560001.
- Invited as a Keynote Speaker for Inaugural ceremony of 6th International Conference on Smart Materials for Sustainable Construction in Civil Engineering (ICSMSCE) – 2022, organized by School of Civil Engineering, REVA University Bengaluru, during 9th July 2022.
- Invited to participate as a Speaker for the Thrust Area 2: New agenda in Urban Rail Transport and the Key Area :1 Global & National Perspective of Rail Based Urban Transport in the online event : Capacity Building and Training on “Metro and Future Urban Rail Transport” for Zone 2,during 24th June 2022 organised by Institute of Urban Transport (India).
- Invited to participate as a Speaker for the Key Area 4: Enhancing Revenue Generation for Metro Rail projects- New Concepts in the online event : Capacity Building and Training Program on "Metro and Future Urban Train Transport" during 14th July 2022 organised by Institute of Urban Transport (India).
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic :"Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life" and also interact with senior TERI colleagues on topics of mutual interest and collaboration on 31st May 2022 at India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, TERI, New Delhi.
- Invited to deliver Expert Lecture on "Travel in Cities: Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life", 8th Seminar on 27th May 2022 (Hybrid Mode), Organised by- IUT (India), SVNIT Regional Chapter in Association with AIC SURATi iLAB Foundation.
- Invited to deliver online Expert Lecture in DST sponsored "summer school on Application of Geospatial Technology for Smart City Traffic and Transportation Planning (21 days) from May 02-22, 2022 organised by the Department of Civil Engineering,Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, during 3rd May 2022.
- Invited to deliver online Expert Lecture on "Geoinformatics Applications in Transportation Engineering" in A Five day National Workshop on "APPLICATIONS OF GIS, GPS AND DRONES", organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering(A), Visakhapatnam, AP, during April 18-22, 2022.
- Invited as a panelist for a session " Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Transportation Systems in India" at Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems Endeavour (InTranSE) during 7th and 8th April 2022.
- Invited to deliver online Expert Lecture on "Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life (QoL)" in International Virtual Conference on "Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada" (SSDUGI-2022), organised by National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli with the support of Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) during 25th March 2022.
- Invited to deliver online Guest lecture on "Sustainable Transport and Quality of Life(QoL)- A Systems Approach" in one day seminar on Transport Systems, organised by SSNCE (Autonomous),Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai Centre,Tamil Nadu during 5th March 2022.
- Invited to deliver online Plenary Speaker Presentation in MPVS-2021, Conference on NEW AGE TECHNOLOGIES organised by IIT Indore, Madhya Pradesh during 22-25 December 2021.
- Invited to deliver online Expert Lecture on "Evaluating Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies for Urban Transportation in India" at Training Programme:Big Data applications in a multi-Hazarddisaster under climate change Organized by: IIT Indore and NIDM, New Delhi during 21st December 2021.
- Invited to deliver offline Expert Lecture on “Sustainable transport and urban health: Implication of urban transport planning on health” at National Level Symposium “CITIES AND MENTAL HEALTH” orgainsed by National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore during 10th December 2021.
- Invited as an esteemed speaker to the session on Urban Transport and Resilience at virtual international conference on the theme of Planning and Placemaking in Resilience Recovery promoted by the World Urban Campaign (WUC) of UN-Habitat, organised by CEPT University in partnership with TU Delft, The Netherlands, and Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN) during 13th November 2021.
- Invited to participate as a Panel Speaker at the offline session on "Mobility as a Service; Mobility on Demand – Evolving" perspective on October 27, 2021 as part of Asia’s largest integrated show on TrafficInfraTech, Parking Infratech and Smart Mobility Expo, 26-28, October 2021 at New Delhi
- Invited to deliver a online Guest lecture on "Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning and Policy for Indian Cities", at FDP workshop titled “Advancements in Civil Engineering Research ACER-2021”during 26th October 2021.
- Invited as a Panelist for Global Cleveland Sister Cities Conference for panel discussion on "How public transportation systems are tools for economic development in cities across the world", during October 12, 2021.
- Invited to deliver Offline Expert Lecture on "Road Safety Issues and Challenges in India" at Department of Civil Engineering, RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, during October 11, 2021.
- Invited as a Key Discussant for Online discussion on "Enabling Multi-Modal Freight in India"organised by Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) during 5th October, 2021.
- Invited as an esteemed speaker and panelist for a session "Safer Streets Safer Cities – Transformation at Scale" at Connect Karo-2021 (WRI’s annual conference) organized virtually with the theme of ‘Clean, Green and Just.’ during 13-17 September 2021.
- Invited as an esteemed guest and speaker at a virtual High-Level Convening on ‘Enabling Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and Multimodal Integration (MMI) along Mass Rapid Transit Corridors in Bengaluru, India to be held on 26-27 August 2021.
- Panel discussion on "Factors Influencing EV Charging Infrastructure Planning" in EV Charging Infrastructure & Technology Summit 2021" during 23rd August 2021.
- Delivered Online Expert Lecture on "Factors Influencing Electric Vehicle Adoption in India" in PHDCCI Virtual Electric Vehicle Summit Programme on 5th August 2021.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on "Sustainable urban transport policies to improve livability in Indian cities" during National Training Programme on “Environmental Issues in Sustainable Cities, Govt. Establishment and PSEs including Indian Railways with focus on SDGs” at iCED Jaipur on 27th July 2021.
- Panel Discussion on "The end of fuel subsidies and the rise of alternative fuel vehicles" in Electric vehicle Innovations Asia Summit-2021 during 29-30 June 2021.
- Invited Speaker in ESG Webinar on "Securing Clean Air and Inclusive Mobility for Bengaluru”, in the sixth sectoral session in ESG webinar series "Bangalore’s Climate Action Plan: Making it Participatory and Inclusive" on 3rd May 2021.
- Panelist for TERI DULT Online Workshop on "Sustainable Urban Freight for Bengaluru" on 27th April 2021.
- Invited Speaker at the Virtual Conference “Modelling World International 2021” for session on India and the International Plenary, during April 19-22, 2021.
- Delivered a lecture on "The Kumbh Mela Experiment: Measuring and Understanding the dynamics of mankind's largest crowd- Experiences from Kumbh Mela 2016 in Ujjain" in Online Short Term Course on "Data Analytics and Predictive Technology for Intelligent Transportation System (DAPT-ITS)" Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi during 15th - 19th March, 2021.
- Delivered a lecture on "Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning and Policy for Indian Cities" in online Faculty Development Programme on "Recent Trends and Advances of Thrust Areas of Research in Civil Engineering ", Organised by REVA University on 4th March 2021.
- Delivered a lecture on "The Kumbh Mela Experiment: Measuring and Understanding the dynamics of mankind's largest crowd- Experiences from Kumbh Mela 2016 in Ujjain" in Online Training Programme on "Incident Response System (IRS)" (for IAS/Central Civil Services Officers) Organised by Centre for Disaster Management (CDM), Lal Bahadur Shastry National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, NDMA, Govt. of India during 24th - 25th February, 2021.
- Delivered Webinar on “Vaccination for Road Accident Epidemic in India” organized jointly by Save Bangalore Committee and IISc Sustainable Transportation Lab. (IST Lab.) on 30th January 2021.
- Delivered Online Expert Lecture on “Sustainable Transport: A case study with Audit Perspective” for officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA&AD) at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) Jaipur on January 22nd, 2021.
- Invited as a Chief Guest for Inaugural Ceremony of Gujarat Knowledge Society (GKS) sponsored and Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) approved One Week (5-Days) Online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Application of Optimization & Computing Techniques in Engineering” at L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad on January 18th, 2021.
- Invited as a Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker for Inaugural Ceremony of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) – Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) sponsored online refresher course on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis” at Rajashri Shahu College of Engineering (RSCOE), PUNE on December 14th, 2020.
- Delivered Online Expert Lecture on “Sustainable Transport: A case study with Audit Perspective” for officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA&AD) at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) Jaipur on September 14th, 2020.
- Delivered TRG Webinar on “Traffic Impact Analysis of Closing Cubbon Park for all motorized vehicles in Bengaluru City” organized by Transportation Research Group of India (TRG) TCT-D01: Travel Behaviour and Transport Demand & IISc Sustainable Transportation Lab. (IST Lab.), IISc Bengaluru on September 12th, 2020.
- Delivered TRG Webinar Series Lecture on “The Curious Case of Transportation Systems in a Post COVID-19 World: A Summary of Impacts, Strategic Interventions, and Possible Policy Implications” organized by Transportation Research Group of India (TRG) on June 18th, 2020.
- Outcome Oriented Interactive Webinar on “Urban Mobility in the Post COVID19 Era: Lesser Carbon Better Safety” organized by National Productivity Council (NPC) on June 3rd, 2020.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Environmental Issues in Transport Sector” for officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA&AD) at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) Jaipur on February 19th, 2020.
- Delivered lecture on “Safety of Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) & Persons With Reduced Mobility (PwD)” during 5-Day Training Course on Road Safety at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat on February 4th, 2020.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Studies on Traffic and Crowd Flow Modeling in Indian Context” at University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane, Australia on December 9th, 2019
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Indian Cities” at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia on December 6th, 2019
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment (KME): Measuring and Understanding the Dynamics of Mankind’s largest Crowd- Part 2” at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia on November 29th, 2019.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment (KME): Measuring and Understanding the Dynamics of Mankind’s largest Crowd- Part 1”at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia on November 26th, 2019
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Research on Transportation issues in Developing Economies” at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia on November 20th, 2019
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Modeling and Simulation of Large Crowds in Mass Gatherings” at School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia on November 18th, 2019
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Research@IISc on Non-Engineering Factors and Road Safety” at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal on November 7th and 8th, 2019.
- Delivered Online Expert Lecture on “Sustainable Mobility” for officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA&AD) at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) Jaipur on November 3rd, 2020.
- Keynote Speaker on “Studies on Traffic and crowd flow modelling in Indian context” in the 2nd International Workshop on Transportation Research held at the School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing during October 19th-20th 2019.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Indian Cities” at Tsinghua University, Beijing on October 18th, 2019.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Air Pollution in Sustainable Cities” for officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA&AD) at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) Jaipur on October 15th, 2019.
- Delivered Plenary Talk on "The Kumbh Mela Experiment (KME) - Understanding and Simulating the Dynamics of Mankind's Largest Crowd" in DBSS (Dutch Benelux Simulation Society) Symposium - Simulation of Human Behaviour, at Technical University (TU) Delft, The Netherlands, on September 27th, 2019.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Indian Cities” at University college London, UK on September 24th, 2019.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "The Kumbh Mela Experiment: Measuring and Understanding the dynamics of mankind's largest crowd"- Experiences from Kumbh Mela 2016 in Ujjain" at Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS), University of California at Irvine (UCI), USA on September 9th, 2019.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “ITS Applications in Road Safety” at Road Safety Training at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal during September 3rd -5th 2019.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Non-Engineering Measures to Improve Road Safety in India” at Road Safety Training for Govt. of Karnataka officials, organized by Karnataka State Road Safety Authority (KSRSA) at Bangalore on 27th Aug. 2019.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Cities in India” for officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA&AD) at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) Jaipur on August 8th, 2019.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Understanding Linkage between Transport and Sustainability for a more Conscious City” at 56 Urban Unraveling and Utopia Symposium, organized by Concious Bengaluru on 27th July, 2019
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Indian Cities” at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee on June 13th, 2019.
- Delivered Invited presentation on “Sustainable Transport Planning and Policy for Indian Cities” at International Conference on Sustainable Environment & Civil Engineering (ICSECE’19) Organized by SRM Easwari Engineering College Chennai on March 28th, 2019.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Sustainable Mobility Strategies” at Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)’s Training Programme on Urban Air Quality Management Strategies, held at Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute (AAETI) campus, Nimli, Tijara (Alwar District), Rajasthan, India on 15th March 2019.
- Delivered Lecture on “Highways Traffic, Parking Management, Traffic and Road Safety Education” at the 1st National Conference on Traffic Technologies held at Central Academy for Police Training (CAPT), Bhopal, India during February 21st -22nd, 2019.
- Delivered Guest Lectures on “Road Safety Audit” at Training Program on Road Safety at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal on February 13th, 2019
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning Process” at R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore on 11th February 2019.
- Invited as a Jury panel member in O&G@20 competition for Start-Ups on Clean Energy, organised by Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) Delhi on February 10th, 2019.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Environmental Impacts of Transport Sector” for officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA&AD) at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) Jaipur on February 8th, 2019.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Safety of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs)” during Road Safety Training Programme at Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) Nagpur on January 23rd, 2019.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "The Kumbh Mela Experiment: Measuring and Understanding the dynamics of mankind's largest crowd"- Experiences from Kumbh Mela 2016 in Ujjain" at Institute of Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds, UK on December 12th, 2018.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Sustainable Transportation Planning and Policy for Indian Cities” for officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA&AD) at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) Jaipur on October 31st, 2018.
- Attended International Expert Group Meeting on “Future of Mobility in BRIC Countries” at Berlin, Germany, organized by German Research Centre (DLR), during 4th to 5th October 2018.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on "The Kumbh Mela Experiment: Measuring and Understanding the dynamics of mankind's largest crowd"- Experiences from Kumbh Mela 2016 in Ujjain" at Hochschule Munich, Germany on 2nd October 2018, UK.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Understanding passenger demand and impact of fare policy” to Officers of State Road Transport Corporations, Organized by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) at IISc Bangalore on 28th September 2018
- Invited Speaker on “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies from Urban Transport Sector in India” at Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)’s Regional Knowledge Conclave at JSS Science and Technology University, JSSTI Campus, Mysore, Karnataka on September 6th,2018
- Panelist for a Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)’s Conclave “Towards Clean and Low Carbon Mobility” at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on September 4th -5th, 2018
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Bengaluru” at C40 Cities Air Quality Network Summit on 2nd August, 2018 at Hotel ITC Gardenia, Bengaluru, organized by Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagar Palike (BBMP).
- Delivered Expert Lecture on the topic” Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Bengaluru” at Rotary House of Service, Indiranagar, Bangalore on July 23rd, 2018.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Human Factors in Crashes” at Road Safety Training Programme at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal during July 13th to 16th 2018
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “High Speed Rail System for Bengaluru & Other Cities” at The Institution of Engineers (India)-Karnataka State Centre, Bengaluru on 4th July 2018.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment” at Center for infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning (CiSTUP), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore on 2nd July 2018.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment” at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee on 30th May 2018.
- Delivered expert Lecture on “Shifting Focus from Supply to Demand – The Changing Face of Transportation Engineering towards Sustainable Development” at National Level Seminar on “Research Advancement and Prospect in Civil Engineering (RAP-CE)-2018” organized by Manipal University, Jaipur on April 20th, 2018.
- Panelist for a Round table on ‘Mobility & infrastructure in Bengaluru city’ organized by Bangalore Political Action Committee (B.PAC) on March 29th, 2018.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment” at Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS), Indore on March 27th, 2018.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies from Transport Sector” at National Environment and Climate Change Conference, organized by Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Govt. of Kerala, during 20th to 22nd March 2018.
- Delivered Guest lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment” at Dept. of Civil Engg., Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal on 27th January 2018.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Shifting Focus from Supply to Demand – The Changing Face of Transportation Engineering towards Sustainable Development” at Faculty Development Programme on “Advancements and Recent Developments in Civil Engineering”, at Sri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science (SVITS), Indore, on 25th January 2018.
- Delivered Expert lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment” at Dept. of Civil Engg., Purdue University, USA on 16th January 2018.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Sustainable Urban Transportation and Society” at NIAS-DST Training Programme on Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives on Science, Technology and Society, held at NIAS, Bangalore during 11th – 22nd, December, 2017.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies from Transport Sector for Bengaluru” at the workshop on “UK India Workshop on Big-Data for Better Governance and Policy Making”, jointly organized by IIIT Bangalore and British Deputy High Commission, Bengaluru on 30th November 2017.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning” at International Training Programme on “Audit of Initiatives for Sustainable Cities and Communities” organized by International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED), Jaipur during 13th November to 17th November 2017.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Prospects of Modelling and Optimization of Urban Transport Systems in Developing Countries” and “Prospects of using GIS, RS and GPS in transport engineering in developing countries” at CODATU Training Programme at Hyderabad, on 8th November 2017.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Shared Mobility- innovations in bike-sharing, ridesharing and car-sharing” to PGDM Students of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad on 7th November 2017.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment” at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad on 7th November 2017.
- Delivered Invited Lectures on “Service Gap Analysis of Public Buses with respect to Women Safety” and “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies from Transport Sector for Bengaluru” at 10th Urban Mobility India Conference 2017 & XVII CODATU Conference at Hyderabad, during 4th to 6th Nov 2017.
- Invited panelist to deliver lecture on “System Effect of Transport Integration and What Bengaluru Needs” at Citizens Roundtable on ‘Namma Metro and Public Transport Integration’, organized by Citizens for Bengaluru (CfB) on 7th October 2017.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment (KME)” at IEEE Symposium on Drone Computing 2017, on 6th October 2017, at Bangalore.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning” at International Training Programme on “Audit of Construction Activities” organized by International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED), Jaipur during 18th September to 29th September. 2017.
- Delivered Expert lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment” at Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati on 9th September 2017.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning” at National Training Programme on “Audit of Pollution, Energy and Transport issues” organized by International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED), Jaipur during 28th August to 1st September 2017.
- Delivered Webinar on “Kumbh Mela Experiment” organized by Association of Transport Professionals of Indian Origin (ATPIO) and Transportation Research Group of India (TRG) on 22nd August 2017
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Applying game theory to analyse inter-modal competition between High speed rail and conventional transport modes: A case study of Indian corridors” at Centre for Transport Studies, Dept. of Civil & Env. Engg., Imperial College London, U.K., on 18th July 2017.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “The Kumbh Mela Experiment: Measuring and Understanding the dynamics of mankind’s largest crowd - Experiences from Kumbh Mela 2016 in Ujjain” at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, on 27th June 2017.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Shifting Focus from Supply to Demand – The Changing Face of Transportation Engineering towards Sustainable Development” at Dept. of Civil Engg., Sri Venkateshwara College of Engg., Bangalore, on 5th April 2017.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning” at Faculty Development Programme on “Sustainable Transport”, at Sri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science (SVITS), Indore, on 25th March 2017.
- Panelist for National Policy Summit on Sustainable Infrastructural Development at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), on 19th March 2017.
- Delivered Plenary Lecture on “Capacity Building in ITS” at National Conference on “Leveraging Intelligent Transportation System for Smart Cities (ITS-2017)” during 2nd to 4th March 2017, organized by R. V. College of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “The influence of stratification by motor-vehicle ownership on the impact of built environment factors in Indian cities” at Centre for Urban Science and Engineering (C-USE), IIT Bombay, on 1st March 2017.
- Delivered Invited Presentation on “Research Activities at Transportation Engineering Lab., IISc Bangalore” at TCS Smart City Workshop, held at Mumbai, during 24th to 25th Feb.2017.
- Panelist at Roundtable session on “Policy gaps and regulatory issues concerning the auto-rickshaw sector in Bangalore”, on 24th January, 2017, held at Bengaluru and organized by TERI, New Delhi.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Young Drivers and Road Safety” at Road Safety Seminar, Organized by Transport Department, Karnataka at Reva University Bangalore on 20th Jan.2017.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Shifting Focus from Supply to Demand – The Changing Face of Transportation Engineering towards Sustainable Development” at FDP on “Recent Advancements in Transportation Engineering RATE- 2017”, organized by Dept. of Civil Engg., M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Bangalore, on 17th Jan.2017.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Geo-Spatial Applications in Transportation” at National Conference and Exhibition on “Geospatial Applications”, organized by SAMA at Hotel Park Plaza, Bengaluru, on 14th Dec.2016.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Sustainable Urban Transport Planning for Indian Cities” at the Symposium “Cities, corporates and communities: Social responsibility and sustainable cities?”,Jointly organized by IISc Bangalore and the University of Bradford, at IISc Bangalore, 24th to 25th Nov.2016.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment (KME)” at “Technology Day” organized by Ericsson Research, Bangalore, on 24th November 2016.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment (KME)” at 24th CII National Quality Summit 2016 “The Digital Transformation of Business - Implications for Quality”, during 23rd to 24th November 2016, at Sheraton Grand Bangalore Hotel, Bengaluru.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Public Transport Planning” at the workshop on “Modernizing City Bus Services - Vision 2022” organized by World Resource Institute (WRI), India during 17th and 18th November 2016 at The Chancery Pavilion, Bengaluru.
- Delivered Guest lecture on “Quantifying Sustainability from Urban Transport” at Dept. of Civil Engg., Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal on 7th Nov.2016.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Car Ownership Decisions among Urban Youthsin a Developing Country like India” at Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, TU-Darmstadt, Germany, on 17th October 2016.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment (KME)” at High Performance Computing Institute, ITMO University, St.Petersburg, Russia, on 11th October 2016.
- Delivered Keynote Lecture on “Shifting Focus from Supply to Demand – The Changing Face of Transportation Engineering towards Sustainable Development” at Workshop on advances in Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Development, organized by Jawahar Lal Nehru Government Engineering College Sundernagar, Mandi (H.P.), India, on 14th Sep.2016.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment (KME)” at Dept. of Civil Engg., RIT Kottayam, Kerela, India, on 4th June 2016.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Kumbh Mela Experiment (KME)” at Gujarat Technical University (GTU), Ahmedabad, India, on 17th March 2016.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Ongoing Works in IISc on Big-Data & IOT in Smart Transportation & related area” at Round Table Meeting organized by C-DAC Bengaluru on 20th Feb. 2016.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Planning and Design of Pedestrian Facilities” at Dept. of Civil Engg., RV College of Engineering, Kerela, India, on 9th February 2016.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Quantifying Sustainability to Assess Urban Transportation Policies and Projects - Case Studies from Bangalore” at Dept. of Civil Engg., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, on 26th October 2015.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Quantifying Sustainability to Assess Urban Transportation Policies and Projects - Case Studies from Bangalore” at WCTRS SIG E1 Workshop, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, during October 5th to 6th 2015.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Shifting Focus from Supply to Demand – The Changing Face of Transportation Engineering”, at workshop on “Challenges and Opportunities in Civil Engineering”,
- organized on the occasion of Engineer’s Day 2015 by School of Civil Engineering, Reva University, Bangalore, India on 15th Sep.2015.
- Delivered Invited Lecture on “Urban Sprawl and Mobility – A Sustainability Perspective” at Global Leadership Programme organized by Common Purpose Charitable Trust at IIM Bangalore, India during 24th to 27th Aug. 2015.
- Participated as Panelist in Panel Discussion on “Women Safety in Public Buses”, during ASRTU’s Golden Jubilee International Conference on Public Transport at New Delhi, India, on 14th Aug.2015.
- Delivered Keynote Speech on “Urban Mobility Trends in Developing Economies - An Opportunity to Leapfrog” at International Conference on Advances in Highway Engineering &Transportation Systems 2015, organized by University of Moratuwa, from 10th to 12th August 2015 at Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Participated as Panelist in Panel Discussion on “Public Transport in Bangalore”, during International Conference on Public Policy at IIM Bangalore, India, on 4th Aug.2015.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Traffic Signal Timing Optimization for Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions” at Dept. of Civil Engg., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, on 3rd July 2015.
- Department of Urban Planning and Sustainability, Municipality of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17th June 2015.
- Department of Civil Engg. and Geosciences, TU-Delft, Netherlands, 16th June 2015.
- Institute of Traffic and Transport, TU-Darmstadt, Germany, 11th June 2015.
- Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Mumbai, 23rd April 2015.
- School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, 14th March 2015.
- SusCoDe, Nagoya University, Japan, 19th March 2015.
- M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Management, 26th February 2015.
- M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, 30th Jan.2015.
- TEQIP Sponsored FDP on “Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning”, 8th to 13th December 2014, Dept. of Civil Engg., Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka.
- Intel Collaborative Research Centre (ICRI), Imperial College London, 16th July 2014.
- Institution of Engineers, Dharwad, 20th May 2014.
- Annual Meeting of Association of Transport Professionals of Indian Origin (ATPIO), 12th Januaryuary 2014, Washington D.C.
- Department of Informatics and e-Science Centre, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15th Nov.2013.
- Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, USA, 10th July 2013.
- Transportation Engineering, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, USA, 8th July 2013.
- Dept. of Civil Engg., City College of New York, USA, 3rd July 2013.
- Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, TU-Darmstadt, Germany, 4th April 2013.
- Institute for Transport and Logistics, TU-Hamburg, Germany, 5th April 2013.
- Dept. of Civil Engg., J. C. College of Engineering, Mysore, 8th Sep.2012.
- Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Kanpur, 23rd Aug.2012.
- Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, TU-Darmstadt, Germany, 28th June 2012.
- Institute for Transport Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, 27th June 2012.
- Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, U.K., 21st June 2012.
- Centre for Transport Studies, Dept. of Civil & Env. Engg., Imperial College London, U.K., 19th June 2012.
- VI International Conference on High Speed Rail, Fundacion Caminos de Heirro, 13th to 15th June 2012, Cordoba, Spain.
- Dept. of Civil Engg., L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, 12th March 2012.
- National Conference on “Sustainable Urban Development”, organized by Institution of Engineers, Karnataka State Centre, Bangalore, 7th March 2012.
- Geospatial Forum – 2012, International Conference organized by Geospatial Media Pvt. Ltd, 09th February 2012, Gurgaon.
- 1st PTV User Group Meeting, 09th February 2012, New Delhi.
- Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Kanpur, 10th Feb.2012.
- Indian Institute of Human Settlement (IIHS), Bangalore, 30th Nov.2011.
- Dept. of Civil Engg., University of Calgary, Canada, 28th September. 2011 to 5th Oct.2011.
- Institute for Traffic and Transport, TU-Darmstadt, Germany, 27th Sep.2011.
- “Assessing the Impact of Driver Attributes on Road Safety and Mobility”, 1st International Conference on “Road Safety Vision 2020” (ICRSV-2020) at Udaipur, Raj., organized by M.L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, together with the All India Federation of Motor Vehicles Department Technical Executive Officer’s Association and Transport Department, Govt. of Rajasthan. (21-22 May 2011).
- “Use of Computing Tools for Transportation Planning and Operation”, Seminar on Addressing Transportation Planning Issues for Developing Countries, Organized by Faculty of Engineering, Sunrise Group of Institutions, Udaipur, Rajasthan. (19-21 April 2011).
- “Addressing Transportation Needs and Climate Change in Developing Nations”, Seminar on Addressing Transportation Planning Issues for Developing Countries, Organized by Faculty of Engineering, Sunrise Group of Institutions, Udaipur, Rajasthan. (19-21 April 2011).
- “Safety Provisions for Vulnerable Road Users”, Road Safety Consultation Meet, NIMHANS, Bangalore. (30th March 2011).
- “Addressing Transportation Needs and Climate Change in Developing Nations”, CII KARNATAKA CONFERENCE ON URBAN ECOLOGY 2011, 16th March 2011, Bangalore, India.
- “An Integrated Approach for Optimal Rail Transit Corridor Identification Using Geographical Information System (GIS)”, CSTEP, Bangalore, India. (25th Jan.2011)
- “Inter-Modal Transport in India – Status and Challenges”, IIM Bangalore. (27th Jan.2011)
- “Assessing the Impact of Driver Attributes on Road Safety and Mobility”, LIVIC Laboratory of Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC), Paris. (22nd July 2010).
- “Achieving Sustainable Transportation System for Indian Cities - Problems and Issues”, ETH Zurich. (8th July 2010).
- “An Integrated Approach for Optimal Rail Transit Corridor Identification Using Geographical Information System (GIS)”, ETH Zurich. (8th July 2010).
- “Integrated Transport System for India – Status and Challenges”, TU-Hamburg. (21st June 2010).
- “Achieving Sustainable Transportation System for Indian Cities - Problems and Issues”, Seminar of Emerging Issues in Urban development, Organized by School of Habitat Studies and Architecture, BMSCE, Bangalore. (30th April 2010).
- “Inter Modal Transport in India”, Workshop on Transport Network in India: Vision 2020, Organized by CiSTUP, IISc Bangalore. (22nd April 2010).
- “Geospatial Applications in Transportation”, Faculty Development Programme, Organized by Dept. of Civil Engg., MSRIT, Bangalore. (10th April 2010).
- Imparted training to Highway Engineers of Tamil Nadu on “Road Safety Audit” during 17th – 18th March 2010 at Villupuram, Tamil Nadu. Organized by Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Madras, Chennai.
- ImpartedtrainingtoHighwayEngineersofTamilNaduon“RoadSafetyAudit” during 23rd– 24th Feb. 2010 at Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Madras, Chennai.
- “Geospatial Applications in Transportation”, IIM Bangalore. 2nd Feb.2010.
- “Geospatial Applications in Road Transportation” at Map India 2010, 13th Annual International Conference and Exhibition on Geospatial Information Technology and Applications, GIS Development, Gurgaon. (19th to 21st Jan.2010).
- “A Multi-Objective Transit Trip Planning System Design Using GIS”, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Delhi, 21st Jan.2010.
- “An Integrated Approach for Optimal Rail Transit Corridor Identification Using Geographical Information System (GIS)”, Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi, 22nd Jan.2010.
- “Geospatial Applications in Transportation” IIM Bangalore, 02nd February 2010.
- “Geospatial Applications in Transportation” at Indo-US Workshop on “Geospatial Information for Developing Countries: Science and Technology”, IIT Bombay, Mumbai (16th to 18th Dec.2009).
- “Human Resource Issues in Geospatial Industry-Academic and Research Perspective” India R&D 2009, FICCI, New Delhi (20th Nov.2009).
- “Research in Sustainable Transportation Planning for Indian Cities”, Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IISc Bangalore (6th Nov.2009).
- “Achieving Sustainable Transportation System for Indian Cities - Problems and Issues”, 1st Indo-German Frontiers of Engg. Symposium, Jointly Organized by DST and Humbolt Foundation, Chennai (1-4 Oct.2009).
- Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi. (May 2009)
- Assam Institute of Management (AIM), Guwahati. (April 2009)
- Dept. of Civil Engg., IISc Bangalore. (March2009)
- Dept. of Civil Engg., NIT Jaipur. (Sep.2008)
- Transportation Systems Engineering, IIT Bombay. (July 2008)
- Dept. of Civil Engg., Shri. GovindaramSeksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS), Indore. (July 2008)
- Dept. of Civil Engg., Engineering College Ujjain. (July 2008)
- Institute for Traffic and Transport, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). (Feb. 2008)
- Delivered an invited talk on “Frontiers of Transportation Research”, organized by Civil Engineering Association, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India, on 11th April 2007.
- Delivered an invited presentation on “A GIS-Based Decision Support System (DSS) Framework for Transportation planning of Guwahati City” at “NEGeo-2006”, organized by Coordinates at Guwahati, India, 21st and 22nd September 2006.
- Expert Invitee to talk on “Transport Network in GIS and its Applications” at Training Course on “Geo-Informatics and its Applications”, organized by Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Guwahati, India, 18th to 20th Sep.2006.
- Expert Invitee to talk on “GIS for Transportation (GIS-T)” at Training Course on “Geo-Informatics and its Applications”, organized by Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Guwahati, India, 18th to 20th September 2006.
- Expert Invitee to talk on “Pavement Management Systems (PMS)” at “All India Seminar on Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Civil Engineering Structures”, organized by Dept. of Civil Engg., GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam (A.P.), India, 10th and 11th August 2006.
- Delivered an invited talk on “Integrated Public Transport Planning / Comprehensive Transportation Study for Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR)”, organized by Civil Engineering Association, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India, on April 21st2006.
- Expert Invitee to talk on “Methodology for Long-Term Transportation Planning” at “Advanced Traffic Management Workshop”, organized jointly by Civic Training Institute and Research Center, Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, and Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic), on 14th Dec.2005.
- Expert Invitee to talk on “Comprehensive Transportation Study (CTS) for Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR)” at Training Course on Traffic Management, organized by Civic Training Institute and Research Center, Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, on 02nd December 2005.
- Expert Invitee to talk on “MMRDA’s Vision for Transformation of Mumbai Region” at International Conference Constru India - 2005, 9th to 11th September 2005, Hotel Taj Lands End, Mumbai.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Modelling for an Integrated Urban Mass Transit System” at Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Kanpur, India, on 12th September 2005.
- Expert Invitee to talk on “Traffic and Transportation Engineering Measures in Mumbai” at Training Course for Traffic Managers of Major Metropolis, organized by Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic) and Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, on 01st September. 2005.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Comprehensive Transportation Study (CTS) for Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR)”, organized by Civil Engineering Association, Goa Engineering College, Fermagudi Goa, India, on 15th April 2005.
- Expert Invitee to judge the Technical Presentations in the session “Transportation and Project Management” of National Level Technical Symposium “NIRMITI 2005” organized by Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai-58, India, on 12th March 2005.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Public Transportation Systems Planning”, at D. Y. Patil College of Engineering and Technology Pune, India, on 21st April 2004.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Public Transportation Systems Planning”, at Kolhapur Institute of Technology, India, on April 19th2004.
- Expert Invitee to Talk on “GIS for Transportation - Background and Trends”, at Indian Society of Geomatics’s Seminar on “Geographic Information Systems & Remote Sensing” for Teachers and Administrative Staff, 09th September. 2002, Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai, India.