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Events Organized while at IISc Bangalore

  1. Organized the 13th Research Symposium focusing on “Azadi@75 Sustainable AtmaNirbhar Urban Mobility", held as part of the 15th Urban Mobility India Conference cum Exhibition 2022, from 4th - 6th November 2022 in Kochi, Kerala, India.
  2. Organised One Week Offline Karyashala Workshop titled:"Pedestrian Flow and Risk Modelling" under the scheme Accelerate Vigyan 2021, sponsored by SCIENCE & ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD(SERB) during 16-20 May, 2022 in Center for Continuing Education, IISc Bangalore.
  3. Co-ordinated one-day online 12th Research Symposium on the theme of “Mobility for All” as part of the 14th Urban Mobility India Conference 2021 in association with Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India along with Institute of Urban Transport (IUT), India on Monday, 25th October 2021.
  4. Organised online International Webinar on “Church Street First - Impact Assessment of Pedestrianizing an Urban Street in terms of Quality of Life” in association with SIG-H2 of World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), and TCT-D01 of Transportation Research Group of India (TRG), 1st October 2021.
  5. Co-organizing one-day online workshop on “Smart Cities in Karnataka: Experiences and the Road Ahead”.along with other Organizers: CSTEP, NIAS and INAE, 17th April 2021
  6. Organized Indo-UK Summer School Programme on “Governance and Mobility” , 4-6 March 2020, Department of Civil Engineering, IISc, Bangalore.
  7. Course Coordinator, QIP short term course on " Modelling and Simulation of Pedestrians for Scientific Decision Support", 24-28 February 2020, Center for Continuing Education, IISc, Bangalore.
  8. GIAN course on "Approaches in Travel Behavior Research for Transportation Planning and Policy Decision Support", 09-13 August 2019,Center for Continuing Education, IISc Bangalore.
  9. Organized Training Programme on “Road Safety” 3-7 December 2018 , Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems (RBCCPS) Seminar Hall, IISc, Bangalore.
  10. Organized WCTRS Joint SIG: H1-H2-G5 Seminar on 18th May 2018 at IIT Bombay on “Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Cities”.
  11. Course Coordinator, QIP short term course on "Modelling and Analysing Sustainable Transport", 17-21 December 2018, Center for Continuing Education, IISc, Bangalore.
  12. Indo-Norway Project CLIMATRANS’ Final Dissemination Seminar on “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies for Bengaluru” on April 10, 2018.
  13. Indo-Norway Project CLIMATRANS’ Final Dissemination Workshop on “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies for Bengaluru” on October 28, 2017.
  14. Organized joint SIG(H5) Special Session on “Challenges of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities of Developing Countries” in the 10th Urban Mobility India Conference 2017 & XVII CODATU Conference during 4-6 Nov 2017 (Special Session on 06th Nov 2017).
  15. Organized joint SIG(H2)-TRG Special Session on “Maintaining Equity in Urban Transport in Developing Countries - Issues and Challenges” in the 10th Urban Mobility India Conference 2017 & XVII CODATU Conference during 4-6 Nov 2017 (Special Session on 05th Nov 2017).
  16. TRG’s 6th Foundation Day Seminar on “Sustainable Mobility Solutions for Bangalore – Bridging Research and Practice”, 28th May 2017, organized by Dept. of Civil Engg. in association with TRG.
  17. Course Coordinator, QIP short term course on "Modelling and Analysing Sustainable Transport for Scientific Decision Support", 26-30 December 2016, Center for Continuing Education, IISc, Bangalore.
  18. Convener, Airport Development Conference (AIRDEV-2015), 4th to 6th Nov. 2015, Organized by CiSTUP, IISc Bangalore, University of Lisbon, University of Antwerp, in association with TRG and SIG-H3 of WCTRS.
  19. TRG’s 4th Foundation Day Seminar on “Integrated Public Transport Planning, Operation, and Management”, 28th May 2015, organized by BMRCL in association with TRG.
  20. Co-ordinator, Seminar on Smart Mobility – Bengaluru and Amsterdam, 25th March 2015, Organized by CiSTUP, IISc Bangalore at Satish Dhawan Auditorium. (Attended by The Dutch Ambassador to India and The Mayor of Amsterdam along with a Dutch delegation and speakers).
  21. Seminar-Cum-Meeting of SIG-G6 & H3 of WCTRS on “Transportation in Developing Countries & Disaster Resilience”, in association with TRG and WCTRS, 14th to 16th Dec. 2014, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IISc Bangalore
  22. Organizing Committee Member for the 2nd Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), organized by Transportation Research Group of India (TRG) during 12th to 15th Dec. 2013 at Agra, India.
  23. Workshop on “ITS for Sustainable Transportation Systems and Choices”, in association with TRG and Intel, 28th and 29th May 2013, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IISc Bangalore.
  24. Capacity Building Programme on Sustainable Urban Transport Planning, in association with IUT (India) and DULT, 22nd to 26th July 2013, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IISc Bangalore.
  25. Symposium on “High Speed Rail”, organized by TRG on May 9th and 10th 2013 at SJCE, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
  26. Seminar on ‘Vehicle Telematics and Intelligent Transport System”, organized by TRG on 30th Nov. 2012, Hotel Lalit Ashok, Bangalore.
  27. TRG Foundation Day Seminar on ‘Research in Sustainable Transportation Planning’, 28th May 2012, CRRI, New Delhi.
  28. Seminar on “Planning for Pedestrian Mobility and Safety” 24th March 2012, Dept. of Civil Engg., IISc Bangalore
  29. Chairman for the 1st Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), organized by Transportation Research Group of India (TRG) during 7th to 10th Dec. 2011 at Bangalore, India.
  30. Organizing Secretary for International Conference on Infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation, and Urban Planning (CISTUP@CiSTUP-2010), Organized by CiSTUP, IISc Bangalore during 18th to 20th October2010.
  31. Workshop Coordinator for CiSTUP sponsored one week Workshop on Computer Aided Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering, Jointly organized by CiSTUP and Dept. of Civil Engg., IISc Bangalore, 7th to 11th Dec.2009.
  32. Workshop Coordinator for CiSTUP sponsored Three Day Workshop on Recent Trends in Sustainable Transportation Planning, Jointly organized by CiSTUP and Dept. of Civil Engg., IISc Bangalore, 12th to 14th Dec.2009.
  33. Coordinator (along with Prof.T.G.Sitharam) for One-Day Un-Conference on Mobility, 21st Nov. 2009, CiSTUP, IISc Bangalore.