
  1. Verma A., Maneesha B., Nitwal R. S., Hemanthini AR. (2024), “Scenario Evaluation for the Proposed Sub-Urban Rail Network and Metro Rail Network for Bangalore Metropolitan Region”, Final Project Report, IISc Sustainable Transportation Lab., IISc Bangalore, India.Report
  2. Summary Report: A brainstorming session on "Understanding sustainable mobility as a public health measure" Report
  3. Verma A., Harsha V., Hemanthini AR. (2018), “Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Bengaluru”, Project Sub Report, IISc Bangalore, India.
  4. “Where next for urban transport policy? Lessons from the Smart Cities Mission” – Policy document.Report
  5. Verma A., Harsha V., Hemanthini AR. (2019), “Sustainability Analysis of the Proposed Elevated Road Corridors in Bengaluru City - A Comparative Analysis With Metro Rail System”, Technical Article, IISc Bangalore, India.Report
  6. Verma, A., et al. (2019), “The Kumbh Mela Experiment: Measuring and understandingthe dynamics of mankind’s largest crowd”,Project Final Report, IISc Bangalore, India.Report
  7. Verma A., Harsha V., Hemanthini AR. (2020), “Ridership Estimation and Evaluation of the Proposed Inner Ring Metro Corridor in Bengaluru City”, Technical Article, IISc Bangalore, India.Report
  8. Verma A., Hemanthini AR., Harsha V. (2020), “Traffic Impact Analysis of Closing Cubbon Park for all Motorized Vehicles in Bengaluru City”, Technical Article, IISc Bangalore, India.Report
  9. Smart Cities in Karnataka: Experience and the Road Ahead” – Workshop technical report, June 2021.Report
  10. Verma A., Hemanthini AR. (2021), “Church Street First – Impact Assessment of Pedestrianizing an Urban Street in terms of Quality of Life”, Project Report, IISc Bangalore, India.Report,Executive Summary
  11. Verma, M., Verma A.,(2023), "Brand Bengaluru - Agile & Sustainable Mobility for All"  Report submitted to BBMP, India. Report