- Verma A., Maneesha B., Nitwal R. S., Hemanthini AR. (2024), “Scenario Evaluation for the Proposed Sub-Urban Rail Network and Metro Rail Network for Bangalore Metropolitan Region”, Final Project Report, IISc Sustainable Transportation Lab., IISc Bangalore, India.Report
- Summary Report: A brainstorming session on "Understanding sustainable mobility as a public health measure" Report
- Verma A., Harsha V., Hemanthini AR. (2018), “Sustainable Transport Measures for Liveable Bengaluru”, Project Sub Report, IISc Bangalore, India.
- “Where next for urban transport policy? Lessons from the Smart Cities Mission” – Policy document.Report
- Verma A., Harsha V., Hemanthini AR. (2019), “Sustainability Analysis of the Proposed Elevated Road Corridors in Bengaluru City - A Comparative Analysis With Metro Rail System”, Technical Article, IISc Bangalore, India.Report
- Verma, A., et al. (2019), “The Kumbh Mela Experiment: Measuring and understandingthe dynamics of mankind’s largest crowd”,Project Final Report, IISc Bangalore, India.Report
- Verma A., Harsha V., Hemanthini AR. (2020), “Ridership Estimation and Evaluation of the Proposed Inner Ring Metro Corridor in Bengaluru City”, Technical Article, IISc Bangalore, India.Report
- Verma A., Hemanthini AR., Harsha V. (2020), “Traffic Impact Analysis of Closing Cubbon Park for all Motorized Vehicles in Bengaluru City”, Technical Article, IISc Bangalore, India.Report
- “Smart Cities in Karnataka: Experience and the Road Ahead” – Workshop technical report, June 2021.Report
- Verma A., Hemanthini AR. (2021), “Church Street First – Impact Assessment of Pedestrianizing an Urban Street in terms of Quality of Life”, Project Report, IISc Bangalore, India.Report,Executive Summary
- Verma, M., Verma A.,(2023), "Brand Bengaluru - Agile & Sustainable Mobility for All" Report submitted to BBMP, India. Report