Prof. P. Anbazhagan, Department of Civil Engineering, IISc Bangalore
Teaching, Research Team and Projects
Field Experience:
7 Years in Construction Industry
Term:January-April (From 2008)
Engineering Seismology-CE227
Course Content:
Introduction to earthquake hazards: strong ground motions, tsunamis, landslides, liquefaction ; Overview of plate tectonics and Earthquake source mechanisms; Concepts of seismic magnitudes and intensity; A seismic station: sensors and data loggers, Mechanical and digital sensors; Interpretation of Seismic Records - acceleration, velocity and displacement; Regional seismicity, earthquakes in India, Attenuation, recurrence relation. Theory of wave propagation: Body waves and Surface waves. Seismic Hazard Analysis - Deterministic and Probabilistic hazard analysis. Seismic Zonation - scales, Macro and Micro, Site characterization -different methods and experiments. Local site effects: ground motion amplifications, Development of response /design spectrum. Liquefaction hazard assessments. Risk and Vulnerability Studies.
Leon Reiter, Earthquake hazard Analysis - Issues and Insights, Columbia University Press New York 1990.
Steven L Kramer, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Pearson Education, 2003.

Term:August (2022 & 2013) ; Jan (from 2024 Onawrds)
Integrated Investigation of Dams -CE202A: Core Course
Course Content:
Introductions to Geotechnical field investigations, laboratory experiments and relevant IS codes; Geotechnical and Geophysical investigation of Dams; Theory and demonstration of Ground Penetrating Radar testing: Multichannel Analysis of Surface Testing: Seismic borehole tests, Down/Up and Cross hole testing; Electric Resistivity testing; Planning of Integrated Investigation. Field experimental case studies of Dam investigations.
An-Bin Huang, Paul W Mayne, Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization, CRC Press, 2008.
Head, K.H., Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing. Vols. 1 to 3, 1981.
Compendium of Indian Standards on Soil Engineering Parts 1 and II, 1987 - 1988.
Course Code | Title | Remarks |
CE202A | Integrated Investigation of Dams | New Course from 2022 |
CE227 | Engineering Seismology | Since 2008 |
NPTEL 105108204 | Introduction to Engineering Seismology | 2020;2021;2022;2023&2024 |
CE202 | Foundation Engineering | 2019 |
CE201 | Basic Geomechanics | 2017 |
CE 266 | Pavement Engineering | 2014-2017 |
CE202 | Subsurface Exploration and Soil Testing | 2007 -2012 |
CIVL 296 | Engineering Computations | At University of Wollongong, Australia (Feb- July 2009) |
Guidance of students for research conferment:
Ph.D Guided - 9
StudentName | Research Topic | Years of Admission | Supervisors | Status |
Abhishek Kumar | Seismic Microzonation of Lucknow Based on Region Specific GMPE's and Geotechnical Field Studies | 2007-2013 | T.G.Sitharam & P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
Anitha Kumari S. D. | Effect of Particle shape on the Mechanical Behaviour of Granular Media: Discrete Element Simulations | 2008-2013 | P.Anbazhagan &T.G.Sitharam | Completed |
Aditya Parihar | Seismic Site Classification and Response studies of Shallow bedrock site | 2009-2014 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
Deepak G.B. | Influence of Chemo- Mechanical Factors on compression and undrained strengths of soft Kaolinites prepared using synthetic sea water | 2011-2016 | Sudhakar Rao M & P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
Manohar D.R. | Characterization of Sand-Rubber Mixture and Numerical Analysis for Vibration Isolation | 2011-2016 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
Ketan Bajaj | Development of Design Spectra for Shallow and Deep Soil Sites considering Regional Specific Parameters - Received Prof. NS Govindrao Medal for Best Ph.D. Thesis | 2014-2019 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
Chavan Dhanaji S | Liquefaction Resistance and Cyclic Response of Air - Injected Desaturated Clean Sandy Soil: Experimental and Numerical Investigations | 2016-2021 | T.G.Sitharam & P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
Deepu Chandran | 2-D Subsurface profiling and site response analysis of shallow bedrock sites | 2011-2021 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
Kunjari Mog | Dynamic Properties and Liquefaction Studies of the Indo-Gangetic Region Soils under Uniform and Random Earthquake Loading Condition | 2015-2022 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
M.E Dissertation Guided - 15+4
Student Name | Title of M.E project thesis | Supervisor | Year | Status |
Deepu Chandran | Characterization of Pavement and Subsurface using Non-Destructive Testing | P.Anbazhagan | 2009-2011 | Completed |
Panneer Selvam L | Development of Hammer Energy measurement instrument | P.Anbazhagan | 2011-2013 | Completed |
Anoop Bhardwaj | Effective Depth of Soil Column for Site Response Studies of Deep Soil Sites | P.Anbazhagan | 2012-2014 | Completed |
Anwar Hussain | Asphalt pavement Evaluation using conventional and Ground Penetrating Radar Survey | P.Anbazhagan | 2013-2015 | Completed |
Sundara raj | Study the Impact of Pavement Condition on Fleet Operation Cost of Bus | P.Anbazhagan | 2014-2016 | Completed |
D. Prakash | SPT Hammer Energy Measuring Apparatus and Effect of SPT Hammer Energy on Liquefaction | P.Anbazhagan | 2015-2017 | Completed |
Ayush Agarwal | Liquefaction Assessment Using SPT-N and Shear Wave Velocity (Practice and Problem) | P.Anbazhagan | 2015-2017 | Completed |
Jayant Mehra | Rapture based Seismic Hazard Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants Sites | P.Anbazhagan | 2016-2018 | Completed |
Pushkar Vijay Mahajan | Different wave propagation in the soil and composite material | P.Anbazhagan | 2017-2019 | Completed |
Harish Thakur | Intensity, Duration and Arias Intensity Predicative Equations for India | P.Anbazhagan | 2019-2021 | Completed |
Arindam Das | Tripura Seismic Hazard Analysis by Alternate Approach | P.Anbazhagan | 2019-2021 | Completed |
Sannibabu Reddi | Model studies of P & S wave under different degree of saturation | P. Anbazhagan | 2021-2023 | Completed |
J G Jashwanth | Measurement of Di-electrical permittivity of Soil for different density and moisture content | P. Anbazhagan | 2021-2023 | Completed |
Kavya S | Future seismic hazard values of Dams using regional rupture character | P. Anbazhagan | 2021-2023 | Completed |
Jyothi G | Forensic Investigation of Dams weak zones | P. Anbazhagan | 2021-2023 | Completed |
Milan Goyal | Seismic Specific Site effects of Dam Site | P. Anbazhagan | 2023-2025 | Ongoing |
Dolly SahooDolly Sahoo | Design Spectrum for difference Seismogenic regions | P. Anbazhagan | 2023-2025 | Ongoing |
Kumaran D | Seismic Aspects of Earth Dams | P. Anbazhagan | 2023-2025 | Ongoing |
Tanuja Cheluvaiah | Surface indication of weak spots and subsurface mapping | P. Anbazhagan | 2023-2025 | Ongoing |
Hosting Visiting/PDF fellows -7
Fellow Name | Fellowship Name | Research Topic | Duration | PhD institute |
Dr. JanarthanaBoobalan A | Post Doc in Research Project | HVSR for the Indo-Gangetic Plain | 6 Months (Nov 2017 to April 2018) | Pondicherry University |
Mr. Juan Bernal-Sanchez | Bhabha Newton Fellowship | Rubber soil mixtures for the mitigation of earthquake building damage | 2 Months (April- June 2018) | Edinburgh Napier university |
Dr. K. Saravanan | Dr. D.S. Kothari Postdoctoral Fellowship | Characterization & Rehabilitation of Polluted Soil - Groundwater in Lower Noyil River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India Using Integrated Geophysical Testing, Activated Graphen and Hyper Accumulating Phytophil Techniques | 3 years( 2018-2021) | Pondicherry University |
Kiran Somasundar M | International visiting student from RMIT University, Australia | Effect of water table on P& S wave velocities through seismic borehole survey methods | 1 years(April 2021- March 2022) | RMIT University, Australia |
Dr. N Srilatha | TARE Fellowship for M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology Faculty | Studies on characterization of construction waste and tyre waste mixture for train vibration isolation | 3 years(Oct 2022- Sep 2025) | IISc Bangalore |
Dr. Ravindra Kumar G | PDF in Research Project | Geophysical Testing of Dams | July 2023-Sep 2023 | IIT (ISM) Dhanbad |
Dr. Prabhakar V | PDF in ICDE-DRIP Project | Geophysical Testing of Dams | July 2024-Sep 2024 | IIT-Gandhinagar |
PhD Theses Supervision - 9
Student Name | Research Topic | Year of Admission | Supervisors | Status |
Surya Prakash | Seismic Studies of Dam | August 2023 | P.Anbazhagan | Course Work |
Mir Zeeshan Ali | Cyclic Resistance of Natural silt rich soil | August 2022 | P.Anbazhagan | Course Work |
Panjami K ERP | Effective subsurface profiling through multiple testing and integration by machine learning l | August 2022 | P.Anbazhagan | Course Work |
Harish Thakur | Understanding Seismic Amplification in Undulated Terrains | August 2021 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed Course Work |
Shimna M ERP | Development of Region-Specific Design Spectrum | August 2020 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed Course work |
B. Sai Laxman QIP | Effect of Silt content on relative density and shear modulus and damping model | August 2020 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed Course work |
Yadhu Nandan | Standard Penetration Test Hammer Energy - Measurement, Calibration and Correction Factors | August 2019 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed Compere Exam |
Ayush Kumar | Shear wave velocity Measurement by different Techniques and implication on site characterization | August 2018 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed Compere Exam |
G. Silas Abraham | Region Specific Hazard Analysis of Dams, NPPS and Pipeline | August 2017 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed compere Exam |
M.Tech -Research Theses Supervision - 1+1
Student Name | Research Topic | Years | Supervisors | Status |
Sagar Ingale | Measurement of Hammer Imagery in SPT Testing using Indigenous Developed SPT-HEMA | 2017-2010 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
Sauvik Halder | Field scale measurement of ground water table fluctuation and its effects on soil properties | 2021-2024 | P.Anbazhagan | Completed |
International Joint Research Projects
Sl No | Project Title & Funded by | Investigators | Duration(Years) | Funding Received (Lakh Rupees) |
1 | Prediction of soil hydro agricultural properties using Ground Penetrating Radar for improving Agricultural practice- Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration, MHRD, India Ref: SPARC/2018-2019/P375/SL dated 15/03/2019 | Indian PI : Prof. Anbazhagan P, IISc Indian Co-PI : Dr. Raghuveer Rao P IISc International PI : Prof. Marco Bittelli,UNIBO | 15/3/2019 -31/3/2022 | 64.96 |
Research Projects
Sl No | Project Title & Funded by | Role | Duration(Years) | Funding Received (Lakh Rupees) |
17 | Integrated Investigation for Risk Assessment of the Dam at International Centre of Excellence in Dam Engineering (ICDE) - Dam Safety (Rehabilitation) Directorate,Central Water Commission (CWC)Government of India | Principal Investigator | April 2024- March 2034 | 1561.52 out of 12182.55 |
16 | Studies on characterization of construction waste and tyre waste mixture for train vibration isolation by SERB -Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence | Host- PI | 17th Octo 2022- 16th Oct 2025 | 18.30 |
15 | Study of Strain Dependent Dynamic Properties and development of shear modulus and damping curves of Dispersive Soils- DST SERB | Co-PIr | Dec 2021- Nov 2024 | 40.36 |
14 | Effect of Shear Wave Velocity Calibration on Amplification of Shallow and Deep Soil Sites- M/s. SECON Private Limited, Bangalore | Principal Investigator | August 2018- March 2023 | 51.162 |
13 | Development of correction factors for standard penetration test N values in India through energy measurement and field experiments - Step towards a reliable Liquefaction Potential Assessment | Principal Investigator | May 2017-Sep 2021(Completed) | 26.56 |
12 | Seismic Hazard Analysis Considering Regional Uncertainties by BRNS | Principal Investigator | (July 2016-March 2020)(Completed) | 43.51 |
11 | Measurement of shear wave velocity at deep soil sites and site response studies (2015-2018), DST SERB | Principal Investigator | 3.5(Completed) | 43.17 |
10 | Seismic Vulnerability Assessment using High Resolution Remote Sensing Data for Disaster Management (2013-2015) | Principal Investigator | 2 (Completed) | 10.66 |
9 | Seismic Site Classification for Indian Shallow Soil Deposits by BRNS (2012-2015) | Principal Investigator | 3(Completed) | 133. 30 |
8 | Low Cost Damping Materials Using Waste Tyres for Seismic Isolation (2010 -2013) | Principal Investigator | 3(Completed) | 7.44 |
7 | Characterization of Rail Track Ballast Fouling using Ground Penetrating Radar and Field Sampling (2011-2013) | Principal Investigator | 2(Completed) | 8.32 |
6 | Course material preparation for NPTEL -MHRD (2011-2012) | Principal Investigator | 2(Completed) | 2.50 |
5 | Site Response Studies Using Strong Motion Accelerographs- MoES (2008-2011) | Principal Investigator | 3 (completed) | 28.64 |
4 | Structural Assessment of Existing Road Pavement Using Field and Laboratory Experiments-CiSTUP (2010-2011) | Principal Investigator | 1(Completed) | 4.34 |
3 | Course material preparation for NPTEL -MHRD (2010-2011) | Principal Investigator | 1(Completed) | 2.50 |
2 | Site Characterization of Indo-Gangetic plains with Studies of Site Response and Liquefaction Hazards -MoEs (2009 -2012) | Co- Investigator | 3(Completed) | 60.00 |
1 | Probabilistic Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential with Local Site Effects (2009-2011) | Co- Investigator | 2(Completed) | 11.37 |
Past Research Associates
- Mr. Chandan G V (May 2022-May 2024)
- Ms. Yaksha V(Nov 2021-March 2023)
- Ms. Malashree (Sep 2021-March 2022)
- Mr. Ravinesh Kumar (Jan 2019- March 2022)
- Ms. Divyashree (March 2020-March 2022)
- Mr. Siriwanth Kumar (Sep 2019- March 2022)
- Mr. Karthik Udupa (Nov 2020-June 2021)
- Mr. Raja B (Nover 2020-June 2021)
- Ms. Divya E (June 2020-March 2021)
- Mr. Vishwas Ramachandra (July 2019-Nove 2020)
- Ms. Jyotsana C, UVC Bangalore( July 2020-October 2020)
- Ms. Anusha, M.E M.Tech IISc(Jun 2020 - August 2020)
- Mr. Suhas, SRM Chennai(May - June 2020)
- Ms. Anusha, M.E(May 2020 - June 2020)
- Mrs. Jeyanthi R (April 2019- May 2020)
- Mr. Balakumar A ( June 2018- April 2019)
- Mr. Shiva Shankar M (September 2017- April 2019)
- Mr. Shaivan(September 2017- December 2019)
- Mr. Siddharth Prabhu (August 2017- March 2019)
- Mr. Bala Murali Kumar B (October 2018- Junly 2019)
- Ms. Sibi Mathew(November 2018 - July 2019)
Current Research Associates
- Ms. Malashree (Sep 2021-March 2022)
- Ms. YAKSHA V (from Nov 2021)
- Mr. Chandan G V (from May 2022)
- Mr. Nithul V (from April 2022)
UG/PG Students from Other Institutes -Interns)
- Ms. Anusha, M.E M.Tech IISc(Jan 2020 - May 2020)
- Ms. Divya E, B.Tech(7 Oct 2018 - May 2020)
- Ms. Jyotsana C, UVC Bangalore( October 2019 - June 2020)
- Mr. Suhas, SRM Chennai(July 2019 - April 2020)
- Mr. Masroor Shafi, NIT Srinagar(24 Dec 2018 - 7 Feb 2020)
- Mr. Shakir Rather, NIT Srinagar(24 Dec 2018 - 7 Feb 2020)
- Mr. Sheikh Junaid Fayaz, NIT Srinagar(24 Dec 2018 - 7 Feb 2020)
- Mr. Meer Mehran, NIT Srinagar(10 Dec 2018 - 10 March 2019)
- Mr. Mohammad Rafiq, NIT Srinagar(10 Dec 2018 - 10 March 2019)
- Ms. Princess Mahapara,NIT Srinagar(10 Dec 2018 - 10 March 2019)
- Ms. Toiba Noor,NIT Srinagar(10 Dec 2018 - 10 March 2019)
- Mr. P Kamalhasan, (Jan 2019 to July 2019)
- Mr. Raghavendra M S, M.E. (15 Dec 2018-)
To contact
Phone: | +91-080-22932467 |
Cell: | +91-9448100410 |
Fax: | +91-080-23600404 |
Email: | , |