Welcome to the home page of Transportation Systems Engineering (TSE) Group of Department of Civil Engineering, IISc Bangalore. It currently has three faculty members from the department, Dr.Tarun Rambha, Dr.Abdul Pinjari, and Dr.Ashish Verma whose areas of interest covers various aspects of TSE as also mentioned in detail on this web page. While activities related to TSE in the department started from 2009 with the joining of Dr. Ashish Verma, the group was formally established on 17th October 2017 after Dr. Abdul Pinjari and Dr.Tarun Rambha joined the department in 2017, and in that sense, TSE group is the youngest among the four research groups in the Civil Engineering Department of IISc Bangalore. With strong foundation and strength of IISc as top ranked Indian University, the group aspires to become a leading research group in the world in the area of transportation systems engineering with its high impact and quality research and education, besides also making visible and marked impact on practice and R&D in India in the field of TSE.
Dr. Ashish Verma
Convenor (TSE Group)