Day 1: 26 - 4 - 2019 | Session | Time | Speaker | Title |
Inaugeration of Workshop and release of SPT HEMA | 9:30 - 9:38 | Prof.G Madhavi Latha | Welcome and about Standard Penetration Test Hammer Energy Measurement Apparatus (SPT HEMA) |
9:38 - 9:42 | Prof.G L Sivkumar Babu | About the Workshop and IGS' initiative to improve Geotechnical and in-situ tests in India | |
9:42 - 9:46 | Chief Guest - Registrar, IISc | Release of SPT HEMA Received from Mr Sanjaya R K, Director Syscon Instruments | |
9:46 - 9:50 | Prof. T G Sitharam | Importance of SPT Hammer Energy Measurement in Foundation and Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering | |
9:50 - 9:55 | Prof. Ananth Ramaswamy | Geotechnical facilities at IISc and Invitation to the Department | |
9:55 - 10:00 | Prof. Kaushik Bandyopadhyay | About TC 102 Activity & Vote of Thanks | |
High Tea 10:00 to 10:30 | |||
In-Situ Penetration Tests | 10:30 - 11:00 | Dr. Pitchumani | In-Situ Tests for Geotechnical Designs and Codal Provision for Minimum requirements for in-situ testing |
11:00 - 11:20 | Prof. P Anbazhagan | Standard Penetration Test and Energy Measurement: Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice | |
11:20 - 11:50 | Dr. Siddhartha Kulkarni | Cone Penetration Test (SCPT/DCPT):Codal Provisions and Current State ofPractice | |
11:50 - 12:00 | Dr. Manas Kumar Bhoi, Hitesh Rupani, Harshraj Dhabi and Milind Ami-*Paper | Study of soil profile on the basis of soil strength using dynamic cone penetration test | |
12:00 - 12:30 | Mr. Lenin K R | Pressure Meter Test / Dilatometer Test Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice | |
12:30 - 12:40 | A.Halder and S.Nandi- *Paper | Prediction of soil parameters by using DMT and SDMT of clayey soil from two different sites in Kolkata | |
Lunch 12:40 to 14:00 | |||
In-Situ Strength Tests | 14:00 - 14:25 | Dr. Parthasarathy CR | Pile loading Testing- Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice |
14:25 - 15:10 | Dr. Ravi Sundram | Plate Load Test and Field Vane Shear Test: Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice | |
15:10 - 15:30 | Dr. P V Raghuveer Rao | Block Vibration Testing Current State of Practice and Codal Provisions | |
15:30 - 15:40 | Parveen Chander and Dr.Rajiv Chauhan-*Paper | Spatial Analysis of Soil Investigations for Planning Construction Projects - A Case Study | |
Tea 15:40 to 16:00 Collection of receipts and Giving Name for Participation Certificate | |||
In-Situ Vibration Test | 16:00 - 16:30 | Dr. Ramulu More | Vibration and Noise Measurement: Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice |
16:30 - 17:00 | Dr. A P Singh | H/V Ratio Measurement Tests: Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice | |
Field SPT Test and Energy Measurement @ Geotechnical Engg Lab IISc | |||
Get-Together Dinner at Main Guest House Dinning Area at 19.30 | |||
Day 2: 27 - 4 - 2019 | |||
Seismic Surface and Borehole Tests | 9:00 - 9:45 | Dr. P C Jha | Seismic Surface Wave Testing: Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice |
9:45 - 10:30 | Dr.Sandeep Nelliat | Seismic Borehole Testing: Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice | |
Tea 10:30 to 11:00 Collection of receipts and Giving Name for Participation Certificate | |||
Electric and Electromagnetic In-Situ Tests | 11:00 - 11:45 | Dr. Antony Ravindran | Resistivity Testing: Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice |
11:45 - 12:30 | Silky Agarwal | Ground Penetration Radar: Codal Provisions and Current State of Practice | |
12:30 - 12:40 | P P Vilasini and B Soundara- *Paper | Substantiating the necessity of revision in practices of subsoil exploration | |
12:40 - 12:50 | B. A. Mir- *Paper | Essence of In-situ soil Testing for Geotechnical Site Characterization | |
12:50- 13:00 | N. Ramanujam and R. Ramesh Kumar- *Paper | Estimation of Insitu Geotechnical Soil Parameters through Azimuthal Square Array Resistivity Technique | |
13:00 - 13:10 | Mr. Kedar and Dr P Anbazhagan | Workshop Remarks and Future Plan | |
Lunch Break 13:00 - 14:00 | |||
Post Lunch activities at Department of Civil Engineering | |||
Distribution of Certificates and Receipts at Department of Civil Engineering – 14.30 Onwards | |||
TC102: Subcommittee Meeting at Conference Room Department of Civil Engineering 14.30 to 16.00 | |||
All events talks will be held at Faulty Hall, Main Building IISc. The demonstrations will be held at Soil Mechanics lab