Smart Materials in Engineering, Civil, IISc



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Studies on Control of vibration and thermal distortion of laminate composites using piezo-elements

The potential performance advantages of utilizing smart structural components in high-precision advanced aerospace applications has led to extensive developments in both analytical and experimental methods to characterize the behavior of these novel materials in recent years. A common form of an adaptive / intelligent structure is in thin shells equipped with a piezoelectric laminae. A Reissner-Mindlin theory including rotary inertia effects with an added assumption that each layer is electrically isolated from the other is being employed in this study. The material axis of the PZT may be oriented arbitrarily and need not be parallel to the curvilinear or global coordinate system. Any layer in the laminated shell could be a piezo-actuator or sensor. A four-node serendipity shell element with one electrical degree of freedom per piezo-layer and five mechanical degrees of freedom per node has been developed. The coupled behavior is being captured at the material level through constitutive relations and has been solved in the global coordinate system. A velocity feedback, with a quadratic form of the performance index is being employed to optimally control the vibration in this study.