Energy Efficient Building Materials and Technology, Civil, IISc



Energy efficient building materials and technologies                                                                                Back to Top










Energy efficient building materials and technologies

Considerable amount of energy is spent in the manufacturing processes and transportation of various building materials. Conservation of energy becomes important in the context of limiting of green house gases emission in to the atmosphere and reducing costs of materials. Some issues pertaining to embodied energy in buildings particularly in the Indian context have been examined. Analysis of energy consumption in the production of basic building materials and different types of materials used for construction along with energy spent in transportation of various building materials has been made. Energy in different types of alternative roofing systems has been discussed and compared with the energy of conventional R. C. slab roof. Total embodied energy of a multi-storeyed building, a load bearing brickwork building and a soil-cement block building using alternative building materials has been compared. It has been shown that total embodied energy of load bearing masonry buildings can be reduced by 50% when energy efficient/alternative building materials are used.