Narayan Sundaram, PhD
Associate Professor

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(CE 205)


I am an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science and am the PI of the Interfacial Solid Mechanics Group.

Our research interests span a broad area that includes contact mechanics, adhesion, indentation, and large strain plasticity in metals processing (deformation processing, machining) with a focus on polycrystalline aggregates. We are also interested in plasticity in cellular and hierarchical solids.

My research group is particularly interested in developing enabling tools (solvers, meshers) to aid first-in-class simulations in some of these areas.

Prior to joining IISc, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Center for Materials Processing and Tribology, Purdue University. I hold a PhD in Aeronautics & Astronautics and MS in Materials Science from Purdue University, and a BTech from IIT Roorkee. Click here or here for my former advisors' webpages.

I taught Solid Mechanics (CE 204), a department core course, from Fall 2014 through 2021. Electives I've taught include CE 284: Plates, Shells, and Geometric Elasticity (Spring 2022, Fall 2023), Plasticity Theory (CE 228) [Spring 2023; 2014-17], and Problems in the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (CE 297) [Spring 2020-21, Fall 2024]. In Spring 2024, I taught CE 205: Finite Element Method.

Please check back from time to time; this site is updated regularly.

News / Updates

December 2024

I am teaching another edition of CE 205 (Finite Element Method), a graduate-level core course, in Spring 2025. Click here for the course website.

archived updates

Journal Articles

Click green links to download pdfs of preprints. Access to external linked papers other than e-print shares typically requires (institutional) subscription.

  1. Debasree Das, Narayan K. Sundaram, "Effect of a subsurface void on the micromechanics of ductile metal indentation using remeshing", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2024, 297, pp. 112842 [DOI] [Elsevier open share link]

  2. Suprateek Roy, Narayan K. Sundaram, "A custom arc-length Finite Element solver for large deformation adhesive contacts using a k-d tree accelerated volumetric interaction scheme", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2023, 124(11), pp. 2393-2422 [DOI]

  3. P. Salasiya, Narayan K. Sundaram, "Receding contact between an inclusion of generalized shape and a remotely-stressed plate", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 252, pp. 111826 [DOI] [Elsevier open share link]

  4. A. Udupa, Narayan K. Sundaram, A. Mahato, T. Sugihara, J.B. Mann, and S. Chandrasekar, "What can plastic flow fields tell us about heat sources in deformation processing?", JOM: The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) , 2022 [DOI]

  5. A. Udupa, A. S. Vandana, M. Saei, D. Gupta, J.B. Mann, K. Viswanathan, and Narayan K. Sundaram, "Sinuous Plastic Flow: Mechanics, Microstructural Basis, and Control", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2021, 168B, pp. 103728 [DOI]

  6. A.S. Vandana, Narayan K. Sundaram, "Simulation of machining of ductile polycrystalline aggregates using a remeshing framework", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020 , 54, pp. 1-13 [DOI] [PDF]

  7. Narayan K. Sundaram, "Mechanics of plastic flow past a narrow-angle wedge indenter", Philosophical Magazine, 2019, 99(23), pp. 2883-2903 [DOI] [Share link for e-print]

  8. A. Udupa, N. Sundaram, T. Sugihara, and S. Chandrasekar, "Direct In Situ Observation of Deformation Modes in Wedge Indentation of Metals", Materials Transactions, 2019 , 60(8) pp. 1442-1449 [DOI]

  9. A.S. Vandana, Narayan K. Sundaram, "Simulation of sinuous flow in metal cutting", Tribology Letters, 2018, 66(3), pp. 94 [DOI] [Share]

  10. Narayan K. Sundaram, "Deformation field in deep flat punch indentation and the persistence of dead-metal zones", Philosophical Magazine 2018, 98(25), pp. 2326-2344 [DOI]

  11. Y. Guo, A. Mahato, Narayan K. Sundaram, "Controlling surface strain distribution in copper using plane strain wedge sliding", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 258, pp. 106-115 [DOI]

  12. A.S. Vandana, Narayan K. Sundaram, "Interaction of a sliding wedge and a metallic substrate containing a single inhomogeneity", Tribology Letters, 2017, 65(4), pp. 124 [DOI]

  13. Narayan K. Sundaram, A. Mahato, Y. Guo, K. Viswanathan, S. Chandrasekar, "Folding in metal polycrystals: Microstructural origins and mechanics", Acta Materialia, 2017, 140C, pp. 67-78 [DOI]

  14. K. Viswanathan, Narayan K. Sundaram, "Distinct stick-slip modes in adhesive polymer interfaces", Wear, 2017, 376-377, Part B, 1271-1278 [DOI]

  15. K. Viswanathan, Narayan K. Sundaram, S. Chandrasekar, "Slow wave propagation in soft adhesive interfaces", Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 9185-9201 [DOI]

  16. Satish K. Dayalan, Narayan K. Sundaram, "Partial slip contact of a rigid pin and a linear viscoelastic plate", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 100-101, 319-331 [DOI] [PDF]

  17. D. Sagapuram, K. Viswanathan, A. Mahato, Narayan K. Sundaram, R. M'Saoubi, K. Trumble, S. Chandrasekar, "Geometric flow control of shear bands by suppression of viscous sliding", Proceedings of The Royal Society A , 2016, 472(2192) 20160167 [DOI]

  18. Koushik Viswanathan, Narayan K. Sundaram, Srinivasan Chandrasekar, "Stick-slip at soft adhesive interfaces mediated by slow frictional waves", Soft Matter, 2016, 12(24) 5265-5275 [DOI]

  19. A. Mahato, Narayan K. Sundaram, H. Yeung, M. Lukitsch, A. K. Sachdev and S. Chandrasekar, "Quantitative In Situ Analysis of Deformation in Sliding Metals: Effect of Initial Strain State", Tribology Letters, 2015, 60(3):36 [DOI]

  20. S. Roy Chowdhury, M. M. Rahaman, D. Roy, and Narayan Sundaram, "A micropolar peridynamic theory in linear elasticity", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2015, 59, 171-182 [DOI]

  21. A. Mahato, Y. Guo, Narayan K. Sundaram, and S. Chandrasekar, "Surface folding in metals: A mechanism for delamination wear in sliding", Proceedings of The Royal Society A, 2014, 470, 20140297 [DOI]

  22. A. Mahato, Y. Guo, N. Sundaram, T. G. Murthy, C. Saldana and S. Chandrasekar, "Unconstrained Plastic Flow at Surfaces in Sliding and Cutting", International Journal of Precision Technology, 2013, 3, 370-387

  1. H. Yeung, Narayan K. Sundaram, J. B. Mann, W. D. Compton and S. Chandrasekar, "Energy dissipation in modulation assisted machining", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2013, 74, 41-49 [DOI]

  2. Narayan K. Sundaram, Y. Guo and S. Chandrasekar, "Mesoscale folding, instability, and disruption of laminar flow in metal surfaces", Physical Review Letters, 2012, 109(10), 106001 [DOI] (This article was selected for a `Viewpoint in Physics' by the APS [LINK]. It was also featured on the cover of the September 7th issue of PRL.)

  3. Narayan K. Sundaram, Y. Guo and S. Chandrasekar, "Modes of deformation and weak boundary conditions in wedge indentation", MRS Communications, 2012, 2(2), 47-50 [DOI]

  4. Narayan Sundaram, T.N. Farris and S. Chandrasekar, "JKR adhesion in cylindrical contacts", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2012, 60(1), 37-54 (Jan.) [DOI] [PDF]

  5. Narayan Sundaram and S. Chandrasekar, "Shape and Eccentricity Effects in Adhesive Contacts of Rodlike Particles", Langmuir, 2011, 27(20), 12405-12410 (Oct.) DOI

  6. Narayan Sundaram, Y. Guo, Saldana C., Murthy T.G. and S. Chandrasekar, "Rotation Field in Wedge Indentation of Metals", Journal of Materials Research, Instrumented Indentation Focus Issue, 2012, 27(1), 284-293 DOI

  7. Narayan Sundaram, T.N. Farris, "Mechanics of advancing pin-loaded contacts with friction", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2010, 58(11), 1819-1833 [DOI] [PDF]

  8. Narayan Sundaram, T.N. Farris, "The generalized advancing conformal contact problem with friction, pin loads and remote Loading: Case of rigid pin", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010, 47(6), 801-815 (March) DOI

  9. N. Sundaram, T.N. Farris, "Analytical solutions for inherently incremental similar elastic contact problems with bulk stress", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46(14/15), 2834-2841 (July) DOI

  10. N. Sundaram, T.N. Farris, "Multiple Contacts of Similar Elastic Materials", ASME Journal of Tribology, 2009, 131(2), 021405-1-11 (April) DOI

  11. N. Sundaram, T.N. Farris, "Bulk Stress Effects in Double Contacts of Similar Elastic Materials", International Journal of Solids & Structures, 2009, 46(5), 1229-1239 (March) DOI

  12. N. Sundaram, T.N. Farris, "Numerical Analysis of Double Contacts of Similar Elastic Materials", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2008, 75(6), 061017-1-9 (November) DOI