International Journals:


1.     Rao SM, Nitish MV and Lydia A (2019). Role of evaporation in NH4-N transformations in soils artificially contaminated with blackwater. Water Supply (IWA), doi/10.2166/ws.2019.145/610125/ws2019145.pdf

2.     Rao SM and Monica R (2019). Soil water content–water activity relations of structured kaolinitic specimens from GAB equation. Geotechnique, 1-4.

3.     Rao, SM and Monica R (2019). Influence of moisture loss on swell pressure and volumetric strain behaviour of desiccated kaolinitic residual soil specimens. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,, 1-9.

4.     Rao SM, Priscilla A, and Nitish MV (2019). Biochemical Indicators of Algal Bloom in Sewage-Contaminated Lakes. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, Volume 23, 2153-5515, 578-584

5.     Rao SM, Lydia A, Nitish VM (2018). Performance of modified twin pit toilet in Mulbagal town, Karnataka, India. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, Vol. 8, 578-584.

6.     Rao, SM and Deepak, GB (2018). Influence of secondary compression on undrained strength of soft kaolinites. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. DOI:10.1080/1064119X.2017.1285380, Vol. 36, No. 2, 173–180.

7.     Rao, SM, Rita E, Lydia A (2017). BTEX contamination of Bengaluru aquifers,

Karnataka, India, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, ICE, London, Vol 12, Issue JS3, 56-61.

8.     Rao, SM, Lydia,A, Nitish, MV, Saksham, A and Priscilla A (2017). Bioremediation of pit toilet sewage. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, ICE, London, Vol. 12, Issue JS2, 27-33.

9.     Ravi, K. and Rao, SM (2017). Estimation of solute concentrations in micro-pore and macro-pore solutions of compacted bentonite sand mixtures. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 35,517-525.

10.  Rao, S.M. and Deepak, G.B. Raghuveer Rao, P. and Anbazhagan P. (2017). Influence of physico-chemical components on the consolidation behavior of soft kaolinites. Acta Geotechnica, Vol. 12, 441–451

11.  Rao, S.M. and Deepak, G.B. (2016). Response of overconsolidated kaolinites to salt-leaching. Geotechnique Letters, Vol. 6, 132–135

12.  Rao, S.M. and Raghuveer Rao, P. (2016). Evaluation of distribution coefficient of vadose zone soil from proposed near-surface disposal facility at Kalpakkam, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 75,1485-1491

13.  Sivachidambaram, S., Rao, S. M. (2016). Characterization of silver–kaolinite (AgK): an adsorbent for longlived 129I species. Springer Plus 5:142 DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-1855-8

14.  Rao, S.M. and Raghuveer Rao, P. (2015). Role of the vadose zone in mitigating strontium transport at the near-surface disposal facility (NSDF) in Kalpakkam. India. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, DOI 10.1007/s10064-015-0772-3

15.  Rao, S.M., Malini, R. (2015). Use of permeable reactive barrier to mitigate groundwater nitrate contamination from on-site sanitation. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, Vol. 05.2, 336-340.

16.  Rao, S.M., Ravi, K. (2015). Influence of initial degree of saturation on swell pressures of compacted Barmer bentonite specimens. Annals of Nuclear Energy,

17.  Rao, S. M., Malini, R., Priscilla, A., Lydia, A. (2015). Estimate of N2O release from pit-toilets. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 74, 2157-2166

18.  Thyagaraj, T. and Rao, S.M. (2014). Osmotic flow in compacted expansive clay. Environmental Geotechnics-ICE,DOI:10.1680/envgeo.13.00061

19.  Rao, S. M. and Malini, R. (2014). Role of degree of saturation in denitrification of unsaturated sand specimens. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol.72, 4371-4380.

20.  Rao, S. M., Raghuveer Rao, P. and Malini, R. (2014). Environmental Geotechnics: Need for Regional Approach. Environmental Geotechnics-ICE, Vol. 1, 40-47.

21.  Rao, S. M. and Ravi, K. (2014). Permeability of bentonite buffer: density and salinity effect. Environmental Geotechnics-ICE, Vol. 1, 66-67.

22.  Rao, S. M. and Ravi, K. (2013). Hydro-mechanical characterization of Barmer 1 bentonite from Rajasthan, India, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 265, 330-340.

23.  Rao, S. M. and Indra Prasad Acharya (2014). Synthesis and characterization of fly ash geopolymer sand. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 26, 912-917.

24.  Ravi, K. and Rao, S. M. (2013). Influence of infiltration of sodium chloride solutions on SWCC of compacted bentonite-sand specimens. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 31, 1291-1303

25.  Rao, S. M. and Asha, K. (2013). Role of fly ash pozzolanic reactions in controlling fluoride release from phosphogypsum. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 25, 999-1005.

26.  Rama Pal, Rao, S. M. and Sivachidambaram S (2013). Mitigation of chromium contamination by copper-ZVI bimetallic particles. ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste, Vol. 17, 181-186.

27.  Rao, S. M., Thyagaraj, T. and Raghuveer Rao, P. (2013). Crystalline and osmotic swelling of an expansive clay inundated with sodium chloride solutions. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 31, 1399-1404

28.  Rao, S. M., Asha, K. and Sivachidambaram S. (2013). Influence of anthropogenic contamination on groundwater chemistry in Mulbagal town, Kolar District, India. Geosciences Journal, Vol. 17, 97-106.

29.  Thyagaraj, T., Rao, S.M (2013). Osmotic swelling and osmotic consolidation behaviour of compacted expansive clay. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 31, 435-445

30.  Rao, S. M., Malini, R., Lydia, A. and Lee, Y. (2013). Contaminants removal by bentonite amended slow sand filter. J. Water Chemistry & Technology Vol. 35, 23-29.

31.  Rao, S.M., Gaurave, K. and Sarvanan, A. (2013). Lead retention by soils at field moisture contents. Soil and Sediment Contamination-An International Journal, Vol.22, 208-222.

32.  Rao, S. M., Sekhar, M. and Raghuveer Rao, P. (2013). Impact of pit-toilet leachate on groundwater chemistry and role of vadose zone in removal of nitrate and E. coli pollutants in Kolar District, Karnataka, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol.68, 927-938.

33.  Rao, S. M. and Sivachidambaram, S. (2013). Characterization and iodide adsorption behaviour of HDPY+ modified bentonite. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 68, 559 - 566

34.  Rao, S. M. (2012). Influence of anthropogenic contamination on fluoride concentration in groundwater. Journal of Economic and Environment Geology, Vol. 3, 24-33

35.  Thyagaraj, T., Rao, S.M., Sai Suresh, P. and Salini U. (2012). Laboratory studies on stabilization of an expansive soil by lime precipitation technique. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 24, 1067-1075

36.  Rao, S. M. and Asha, K. (2012). Activation of fly ash-lime reactions: A kinetic approach. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 24, 1110-1117.

37.  Sivachidambaram, S. and Rao, S. M. (2012). Iodide retention by modified kaolinite in the context of safe disposal of high level nuclear waste. ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste, Vol. 16, 192-200.

38.  Mamatha, P. and Rao, S. M. (2011). Defluoridation of groundwater using magnesium oxide. The Environmentalist, Vol. 31, 39-53.

39.  Thyagaraj, T. and Rao, S. M. (2010) Influence of osmotic suction on the soil water characteristics curves of compacted expansive clays. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 136, 1695-1702.

40.  Mamatha, P. and Rao, S. M. (2010). Geochemistry of fluoride rich groundwater in Kolar and Tumkur Districts of Karnataka. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 61, 131-142.

41.  Rao, S. M. and Thyagaraj, T. (2010). Single and double oedometer tests to estimate osmotic compression of clays. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol. 4, 325-336.

42.  Rao, S. M., Mamatha, P., Asha, K., Soumita, K. Mythri, D. J. (2010). Field studies on defluoridation using magnesium oxide. Water Management Vol. 163, 147-155.

43.  Rao, S. M. and Raju, G. C. (2010). Neutralization of lead contaminated acid waste water. Journal of Water Resources and Protection, Vol. 2, 182-190.

44.  Rao, S. M., Venkatarama Reddy, B. V., Raju, G. C., Lakshmikanth, S. and. Ambika N. S. (2009). Re-use of fluoride contaminated bonechar sludge in concrete. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 166, 751-756

45.  Rao, S. M., Raju, G. C., and Venkatarama Reddy, B. V. (2009). Compressive strength behavior of calcined gypsum sludge-sand specimens. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol.3, 65-73

46.  Rao, S. M., Venkatarama Reddy, B. V., Raju, G. C., Lakshmikanth, S. and. Ambika N. S. (2009). Chemical stabilization of lead contaminated gypsum sludge. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol.3, 109-116.

47.  Mishra, A. K., Dhawan, S. and Rao, S. M. (2008). Analysis of swelling and shrinkage behaviour of compacted clays. Geotechnical & Geological Engineering. Vol. 26, 289-298.

48.  Rao, S. M., Mamatha, P., Shantha, R. P. and Venkatarama Reddy, B. V. (2007). Encapsulation of fluoride sludge in stabilized mud blocks. Waste and Resource Management, Vol. 160, 167-174

49.  Rao, S. M. and Thyagaraj, T. (2007). Swell-compression behaviour of compacted clays under chemical gradients. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 44, 520-532.

50.  Rao, S. M. and Thyagaraj, T. (2007). Role of direction of salt migration on the swelling behaviour of compacted clays. Applied clay Science, Vol. 38, 113-129.

51.  Rao, S. M., Thyagaraj, T. and Thomas, H. R. (2006). Swelling of compacted clay under osmotic gradients. Geotechnique, Vol. 56, 707-713.

52.  Rao, S. M. and K. Revanasiddappa (2006). Influence of cyclic wetting and drying on collapse behaviour of compacted residual soils. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 24, 725-734.

53.  Warith, M. A. and Rao, S. M. (2006) Predicting the compressibility behaviour of tire shred samples for landfill applications. Waste Management, Vol. 26, 268-276.

54.  Rao, S. M. and Reddy B. V. V. (2006) Characterization of Kolar gold field mine tailings for cyanide and acid drainage. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 24, 1545-1559.

55.  Rao S. M. and Shivananda, P. (2005) Impact of sulfate infiltration on swelling behaviour of lime-stabilized soils. Journal of ASTM International Vol. 2, 209-218.

56.  Rao S. M. and Revanasiddappa, K. (2005) Role of microfabric in matrix suction of residual soils. Engineering Geology Vol. 80, 60-70

57.  Rao S. M. and Shivananda, P. (2005) Role of osmotic suction in swelling of salt amended clays. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 42, 307-315.

58.  Warith, M. A., Eugin, E., Benson, P. A. S. and Rao, S. M. (2005) Evaluation of permeability of tire shreds under vertical loading. ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 33, 51-54.

59.  Rao, S. M. and Shivananda, P. (2005) Compressibility behaviour of lime-stabilized clay. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Kluwer, Vol. 23, 309-315.

60.  Rao, S. M. and P. Shivananda (2005) Role of curing temperature in progress of lime-soil reactions. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 23, 79-85.

61.  Rao, S. M. and Thyagaraj, T. (2003) Lime slurry stabilization of an expansive soil. Geotechnical Engineering, Institution of Civil Engineers London, Vol. 156, 1-10

62.  Rao, S. M. and Revanasiddappa, K. (2003) Role of soil structure and matric suction on collapse of compacted soils. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 26, 102-110.

63.  Rao, S.M. and K. Revanasiddappa (2002) Collapse behaviour of residual soils. Geotechnique, Vol. 52, 259-268.

64.  Rao, S. M. and Venkatswamy, B. (2002). Lime pile treatment of black cotton soils. Ground Improvement, Vol. 6, 85-93.

65.  Rao, S. M, Reddy, B.V. V and Muttharam, M. (2001 a) Effect of cyclic wetting and drying on the index properties of a lime stabilized soil. Ground Improvement, Institution of Civil Engineers, London , Vol. 5, 137-140

66.  Rao, S. M., Reddy, B.V. V. and Muttharam, M. (2001 b). The impact of cyclic wetting and drying on the swelling behaviour of stabilized expansive soils, Engineering Geology, Elsevier Publication, Vol. 60, 223-234.

67.  Rao, S. M, B. V. Venkatarama Reddy and Muttharam, M. (2000). Engineering behaviour of wood ash modified soils. Ground Improvement, Institution of Civil Engineers, London , Vol. 4, 107-110

68.  Rao, K.S. S. Rao, S. M. and Gangadhara, S. (2000 a). Swelling behaviour of   a desiccated clay. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 23, 193-198.

69.  Rao, S. M. and Revanasiddappa, K. (2000 a). Role of matric suction in collapse of compacted clay soil. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 126, 85-90.

70.  Rao, S. M. and Mohan Rami Reddy, P. (1998). Physico-chemical behaviour of dry silty clays. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 124, 451-453.

71.  Rao, S. M. and Mohan Rami Reddy, P. (1997). Laboratory studies on the volume change characteristics of kaolinite contaminated with sodium phosphate/sulfate. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 20, 362-367.

72.  Rao, S. M. (1996 a). Correlation between plasticity angle and engineering properties of volcanic ash soils. Soils and Foundations, Vol. 36, 123-127.

73.  Rao, S. M. (1996 b). Role of apparent cohesion in the stability of Dominican allophane soil slopes. Engineering Geology, Vol. 43, 265-279.

74.  Rao, S. M. (1995 a). Mechanistic approach to the shear strength behaviour of allophanic soils. Engineering Geology, Vol. 40, 215-221.

75.  Rao, S. M. Sridharan, A. and Ramanath, K. P. (1995). Collapse behaviour of an artificially cemented clayey silt. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 18, 334-341.

76.  Rao, S. M. and Rao, K. S. S. (1994). Ground heave from caustic soda solution spillage-a case study. Soils and Foundations, Vol. 34, 13-18.

77.  Rao, S. M. Sridharan, A. and Shenoy, M. R. (1993). Influence of  polysaccharide on the remoulded properties of two Indian clay samples. Canadian Geotech. Journal, Vol. 30, 550-553.

78.  Rao, S. M. Sridharan, A. and Chandrakaran, S. (1993). Consistency limits behaviour of bentonites exposed to seawater. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, Vol. 11, 213-227.

79.  Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M. and Murthy, N. S. (1992). Physico-chemical effect on compressibility of tropical soils. Soils and Foundations, Vol. 32, 156-163.

80.  Sridharan, A. Rao, S. M. and Dwarakanath, H. N. (1992). Dispersive behaviour of non-swelling clays. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 15, 380-387.

81.  Yong, R. N., and Rao, S. M.. (1991). Mechanistic evaluation of mitigation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination by soil medium. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 28, 84-91.

82.  Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M. and Gajarajan, V. S. (1990). Effect of sulfate contamination on the volume change behaviour of bentonite. Physico-Chemical Aspects of Soils and Related Materials ASTM STP 1095, 60-68.

83.  Rao, S. M. Sridharan, A. and Chandrakaran, S. (1990). Engineering behaviour of uplifted smectite rich Cochin and Mangalore marine clays. Marine Geotechnology, Vol. 9, 243-259.

84.  Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M. and Joshi, S. (1990).  Classification of expansive soils by sediment volume method. ASTM Geotech. Testing Journal, Vol. 13, 375-380.

85.  Prakash, K. Sridharan, A. and Rao, S. M. (1989).  Lime addition and curing effects on the compaction characteristics of montmorillonitic soil. Geotechnical engineering (AIT), Vol. 20, 39-47.

86.  Rao, S. M. Sridharan, A. and Chadrakaran, S. (1989). Influence of drying on the liquid limit behaviour of a marine clay. Geotechnique, Vol. 39, 715-719.

87.  Sridharan, A. Rao, S. M. and Murthy, N. S. (1988). Liquid limit of kaolinitic soils. Geotechnique, Vol. 38, 191-198.

88.  Sridharan, A. and Rao, S. M. (1988). A scientific basis for the use of index tests in identification of expansive soils. ASTM Geotech Testing Journal, Vol. 11, 208-212.

89.  Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M. and Gajarajan, V. S. (1987). Influence of fluoride on the compressibility characteristics of montmorillonite. Geotechnique, Vol. 36, 197-206.

90.  Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M. and Murthy, N. S. (1986). Compressibility behaviour of homoionized bentonites. Geotechnique, Vol. 36, 551-564.

91.  Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M and Murthy, N. S.(1986). Liquid limit of montmorillonitic soils.  ASTM Geotech. Testing Journal, Vol. 9, 156-159.

92.  Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M and Murthy, N. S. (1986). A rapid method to identify clay type in soils by the free-swell technique. ASTM Geotech. Testing Journal, Vol. 9, 198-203.

93.  Rao, S. M and Sridharan, A. (1985). Mechanisms controlling volume change behaviour of kaolinite. Clays and clay minerals (USA), Vol. 34, 323-328.

94.  Rao, S. M and Sridharan, A. (1984). Mechanism of sulfate adsorption by kaolinite. Clays and clay minerals (USA), Vol.33, 414-418.

95.  Daniels, E. A. and Rao, S. M. (1983). Silver sorption by kaolinite. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 34, 981-984.

96.  Daniels, E. A. and Rao, S. M. (1983). Silver sorption by metakaolinite from molten silver nitrate. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Neue Folge Vol. 137, 247-254.



Indian Journals:

  1. Rao, S.M. Acharya, I. P. (2017). Mercury intrusion porosimetry studies with geopolymers. Indian Geotechnical Journal, DOI 10.1007/s40098-017-0245-7
  2. Rao, S. M. (2011). Reverse osmosis. Resonance Vol. 16, 1333-1336
  3. Rao, S. M. and Mamatha, P. (2004) Water quality in sustainable water management. Current Science, Vol. 87, 942-947.

4.     Reddy, B.V.V., Rao, S. M. and Arun Kumar M. K. (2003). Characteristics of stabilized  

               mud blocks using ash-modified soils. The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 77, 903-911.

5.     Rao, S. M. and Sridharan, A. (1993). Environmental Geotechnics - A review. Indian

             Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 23, 235-252.

6.     Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M. and Murthy, N. S. (1992). Free swell behaviour of homoionized bentonites. Clay Research, Vol. 11, 13-18.

7.     Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M. and Gajarajan, V. S. (1986). Influence of adsorbed sulfate on the engineering properties of kaolinite and bentonite. Clay Research, Vol. 5, 74081.

8.     Sridharan, A., Rao, S. M. and Murthy, N. S. (1985). Free swell index of soils: A need for re-definition, Indian Geotechnical Journal. Vol. 15, 94-95.


ASTM & ASCE Special Publications:

1.     Raju, G. C., Rao, S. M. and Reddy, B. V. V. (2008). Remediation of lead contaminated gypsum sludge. GeoCongress 2008-Geotechnics of Waste Management and Remediation ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP 177), 563-570.

2.     Warith, M. A. and Sudhakar M. Rao (2004). Estimation of maximum leachate head in tire shred drainage layer, Advances in Geotechnical Engineering with Emphasis on Dam, ASCE Geotechnical Practice Publication No. 1,167-176

3.     Sridharan, A. Rao, S. M. and Gajarajan, V. S. (1990). Effect of sulfate contamination on the volume change behaviour of bentonite. Physico-Chemical Aspects of Soils and Related Materials ASTM STP 1095, 60-68


Book edited:

1.     Rao, S. M., Monto M., and Ravindranath, N. H. (editors) (2008). Advances in water quality and management, Research Publication Services, Singapore


Chapters authored in edited books:

1.     Rao, S. M. (2006). Identification and classification of expansive soils. Expansive soils; Recent advances in characterization and treatment, Al-Rawas and Goosen (editors), Taylor and Francis, New York, 15-24.

2.     Rao, S. M., Nanda, J. P., Mamatha, P. (2008). Groundwater quality issues in India. Advances in water quality and management, Research Publication Services, Singapore, 33-55.

3.     Rao, S. M. Monto, M., Mythri, D. J. (2008). Summary: Issues, R & D challenges, institutional and societal gaps in sustainable and quality water. Advances in water quality and management, Research Publication Services, Singapore, 327-330.

4.     Rao, S. M. (2011). Wetting and drying, effect on soil physical properties, Encyclopedia of Agrophysics, Jan Glinski, Jozef Horabik, Jerzy Lipiec (editors) Springer, 992-995

5.     Rao, S. M. (2012). Volume change of tropical residual soils-Chapter 6, in A Handbook of Tropical Residual Soil Engineering, Editors, David Toll and Bujang Huat, Taylor and Francis, New York, 147-184.

6.     Rao, S. M., Venkatesh, K. H. (2012). Case studies: Characterization of residual soil deposits of India-Chapter 14 in A Handbook of Tropical Residual Soil Engineering, Editors, David Toll and Bujang Huat, Taylor and Francis, New York, 463-490.


Books reviews:

  1. Chemistry of water by A. A. Rao, Current Science Vol. 95, 783-784, 2008
  2. Water ecosystems and society; A confluence of disciplines by Jayanta Bandyopadhyay, Current Science Vol. 97, 581-582, 2009
  3. Physical and chemical methods in soil analysis: Fundamental concepts of analytical chemistry and instrumental techniques, Current Science, Vol. 99, 385-386, 2010



1.     Rao, S. M., Mamatha, P. and Venkatarama Reddy, B. V. V., Process for treatment of fluoride contaminated water and a domestic defluoridation unit: Indian Patent Number 227176 June 2006



1. Rao, S.M., Kachroo T.A., Allam M.M., Joshi M.R., Acharya A. (2008). Geotechnical Characterization of Some Indian Bentonites for their Use as Buffer Material in Geological Repository. Proc. 12th International Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG) 1-6 October, 2008, Goa, India, 2106-2114.

2. Warith, M. A., Rao, S. M. (2004). Estimation of maximum leachate head in tire shred drainage layer, Advances in Geotechnical Engineering with Emphasis on Dam, ASCE Geotechnical Practice Publication No. 1,167-176

3.Warith, M. A., Evgin, E., Benson, P. A. S., Rao, S. M. (2004). Compressibility and permeability behaviour of shredded tire chips in aggressive pH environments, 1st Water and Environment Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Saskatoon Canada June 2004, 393-1 to 393-9.

4. Rao, S. M. (2002). Collapse behaviour of red soils. Keynote paper, Second International Conference on Geotechnical, Geoenvironmental Engineering and Management in Arid Lands, GEO- 2002, King Saud University, 6-9 October 2002, 79-85.

5. Rao, S. M., Shivananda P. (2002). Swelling behaviour of lime-stabilized clays subjected to wetting-drying cycles, Proceedings Workshop on Chemo-mechanical Coupling of Clays, Martea, Italy, Balkema, 95-104.

6. Rao, S. M., Mohan Rami Reddy P. (2001). Porosimetry and collapse studies on Calcium montmorillonite silts, International Symposium on Suction, Swelling, Permeability and Structure of Clays, IS-Shizuoka 2001, January 11-13 2001, 403-409.

7. Rao, S. M. (2000). Foundation failures from chemical contamination, Keynote paper, First International Conference on Geotechnical, Geoenvironmental Engineering and Management in Arid Lands, GEO- 2000, U. A. E. University, 4-7 November 2000, 59-64.

8. Rao, S. M., Revanasiddappa, K. (2000). Collapse of compacted red soils, Proceedings Indian Geotechnical Conference, Mumbai, 41-44.

9. Subba Rao, K. S., Rao, S. M., Gangadhara, S. (2000) Compaction control in cyclic swelling of expansive soil, Proceedings Indian Geotechnical Conference, Mumbai, 45-48.

10. Rao, S. M., Reddy, B. V. V., Muttharam, M. (1999). Swelling behaviour of stabilized soils, Second British Geotechnical Society Geoenvironmental Engineering Conference, London, 559-564.

11. Rao, S. M., Kamoji, A. (1998). Effect of strength-Matric suction variations on stability of a natural slope, Proc. of International Symposium on Problematic Soils, Sendai, Japan, October 1998, Vol. 1, 523-526.

12. Subba Rao, K. S. Rao, S. M., Gangadhara, S. (1998). Band width of vertical movement of expansive soils, Proc. Indian Geotechnical Conference, New Delhi, December 1998, Vol. 1, 71- 74.

13. Rao, S. M., Kamoji, A. (1997). Factors contributing to the stability of an unsaturated residual soil slope, Proc. Indian Geotechnical Conference, Vadodara, December 97, Vol. 1, 581-584.

14. Rao, S. M., Mohan Rami Reddy, P. (1996). Heave and collapse behaviour of contaminated laboratory soils, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, San Diego, USA, June 1996, Vol. 1, 162-169.

15. Nagaraj, T. S., Eswariah, H. V., Shashiprakash, S. G., Rao, S. M. (1996). Polymer cement mortar repair material to reduce seepage losses in masonry dam, International Congress Concrete in the Service of Mankind, Dundee, Scotland, June1996, 429-438.

16. Rao, S. M., Mohan Rami Reddy, P. (1996). Heave and collapse characteristics of unsaturated soils, Proc. Indian Geotechnical Conference, Madras, December 1996, Vol. 1, 142-145.

17. Chandrakaran S., Rao, S. M., Sridharan A. (1996). Viscometric and remoulded strength behaviour of marine clays, Proc. Indian Geotechnical Conference, Madras, December 1996, Vol. 1, 138-141.

18. Rao, S. M. (1995). Role of apparent cohesion in the stability of natural slopes in residual soils areas, Symposium on Natural Hazards and Environmental Geotechnics, Bangkok, Thailand, November 1995, 17- 26.

19. Rao, S. M. (1995). Some unusual engineering properties of volcanic ash soils encountered outside Japan, (special contribution), Symposium on properties of Volcanic Soils and their Design, Construction, Hachinohe, Japan, October 1995, 113-122.

20. Rao, S. M., Mohan Rami Reddy, P. 1995). Collapse behaviour of a laboratory contaminated soil,

Proc. Indian Geotechnical Conference, Bangalore, December 1995, Vol. 1, 245-248.

21. Rao, S. M., Sridharan, A., Chandrakaran, S. (1992). Physico-chemical effects on the engineering behaviour of Indian marine clays, Proc. of ILT Seminar on Lowland Development, Saga, Japan, November 1992, 265-272.

22. Sridharan, A., Rao,S. M. Ramanath, K. P. and Nagaraj, H. B. (1991). The role of iron hydroxide in the engineering behaviour of tropical soils, Proc. X Regional Conference for Africa on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering and Third International Conference on Tropical and Residual Soils, Masera, South Africa, September 1991, 7-14.

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