Other information
1. Editorial Board Member-Sustainable
Environmental Research
2. Editorial Board member-The Open Waste
Management Journal
3. Advisory Board Members-Environmental
Geotechnics Journal, Institute of Civil Engineers, London
4. Invited to deliver 21st Prof B K Ramiah Memorial Lecture, Karnataka Geotechnical Centre,
Indian Geotechnical Society, IISc, Bangalore, March 2013
5. Judge for the CII Environmental Best
Practices Award 2013, November 2013
6. Member, High level Expert Committee for
CSIR Award for S&T Innovations for Rural Development 2011, September 2012
7. Convenor, Indo-French Workshop and Conference on
Science, Technology and Humanities, IISc, January 2010
8. Member of jury to evaluate and recommend
suitable stand-alone drinking water purification systems to be installed in
30,000 schools in 2008-09 under the Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water
Mission (RGNDWM), July 2008
9. Member Project Assessment Committee
India-Ontario (Canada) Collaborative Industrial R&D Program under
Department of Science & Technology (DST), February 2012
10. Chairman Committee to select research
projects for awards under “Development and Promotion of Rural and Household
Technology” funded by NRDC (National Research Development Council), November
11. Panelist at the 5th International Congress
on Environmental Geotechnics, Cardiff University, Wales, UK, June 2006
12. Panelist at the 5th International Congress
on Environmental Geotechnics, Cardiff University, Wales, UK June 2006
13. Key Note Lecture at Second International
Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering in Arid Lands, Riyadh University, Saudi Arabia October 2002
14. Key Note Lecturer at Second International
Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering in Arid Lands, Riyadh University, Saudi Arabia October 2002
15. Co-chaired Technical session at Second
International Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering in Arid Lands, Riyadh University, Saudi Arabia October 2002
16. Invited to present a paper at International
Workshop on Chemo-Mechanical Couplings of Clays, Martea,
Italy, June 2001
17. Key Note Lecture at First International
Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering and Management in Arid Lands, United Arab Emirates University,
November 2000
18. Key Note Lecturer at First International
Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering and Management in Arid Lands, United Arab Emirates University,
November 2000
19. Co-chaired Technical session at First
International Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering in Arid Lands, United Arab Emirates University, November 2000
20. International advisory Committee member-First International Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering and Management in Arid Lands,
United Arab Emirates University, November 2000
21. Moderator Commonwealth Science Council
(CSC) Knowledge Networks on Environmental Issues of Fluoride Contaminated
Ground Water
22. Core Member Commonwealth Science Council
Knowledge Network on Arsenic pollution of groundwater in west Bengal and