More than 100 papers are published in international / national journals and conferences.
Publications in referred journals
- Dharmappa Hagare, Olumide Bhadmus-Ladi, A.R. Shivakumar, M.S. Mohan Kumar and M.N. Thippeswamy, A Case of a Decentralised Water Supply System and its Economic Analysis, journal of Indian Water Works Association, Apr-June 2016.
- Priyanka Jamwal, M S Mohan Kumar, "Effect of flow velocity on chlorine decay in water distribution network: A pilot loop study", Current Science (Accepted).
- Sayantan Ganguly and M S Mohan Kumar. December 2015, “A Numerical Model for transient temperature distribution in an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System with Multiple Wells”, Lowland Technology International Journal, Vol. 17 (3), pp. 179-188.
- Seetha N., Hassanizadeh S.M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Raoof, A., 2015, “Correlation equations for average deposition rate coefficients of nano particles in a cylindrical pore”, Water Resources Research, 51, 8034-8059.
- Seetha N., Mohan Kumar M.S., Hassanizadeh, S.M., 2015, “Modelling the co-transport of viruses and colloids in unsaturated porous media”, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 181, 82-101.
- Sayantan Ganguly, N. Seetha and M. S. Mohan Kumar, “Numerical modelling and analytical validation for the movement of thermal front in a heterogeneous aquifer thermal energy storage system”, International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling, Series B, Vol. 4 (4). 2014. pp. 413-424.
- Usha Manohar and Mohan Kumar M. S., "Modelling Equitable Distribution of Water: dynamics Inversion Based Controller Approach”, Journal of Water Resources Planning Management, ASCE, Vol. 140 (5), May 2014, pp. 607-619.
- Sayantan Ganguly and M. S. Mohan Kumar, “Analytical Solutions for Transient Temperature Distribution in a Geothermal Reservoir due to Cold Water Injection”, Hydrogeology Journal (Springer) (2014) Vol 22 (2), March 2014, pp. 351-369.
- Seetha N., Mohan Kumar M.S., Hassanizadeh, S.M., Raoof, A., 2014,“Virus-sized colloid transport in a single pore: Model development and sensitivity analysis”, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 164, 163-180.
- Sayantan Ganguly and M. S. Mohan Kumar, “Analytical Solutions for Movement of Cold Water Thermal Front in a Heterogeneous Geothermal Reservoir”, Applied Mathematical Modeling (Elsevier). Vol 38 (2), January 2014, pp. 451-463.
- Pawan Kumar Rai, M. S Mohan Kumar & C.T. Dhanyaa, “A Constrained Tuning Approach for Optimal Pump Operation”, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013, pages 219-226.
- Mohan Kumar M.S., Usha Manohar, M.R.M. Pallavi and G.R. Anjana (2013). “Urban Water Supply and Management” Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, VOL 93:2, 295-317.
- S. Pradeep, Sayantan Ganguly, P.G. Prasad, M.S. Mohan Kumar, “CFD Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Horizontal Pump Intake System”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Indian Society of Hydraulics (Taylor and Francis). Vol.18 (3), September 2012, pp. 173-185.
- Sayantan Ganguly and M S Mohan Kumar, “Geothermal Reservoirs-A brief Review”, Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer), Vol.79, June 2012, pp.589-602.
- D’Souza C. and Mohan Kumar M. S. (2012),“Integrated Approach in the Quantitative and Qualitative Control of Water Distribution Systems through Control Systems”, Journal of Hazard Toxic Radioactive Waste 16, SPECIAL ISSUE: Toxics and Pathogens in the Environment, ASCE, Apr 2012, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 142-157.
- Harshad R. Parate, M.S. Mohan Kumar, M. Descloitres, L. Barbiero ,L. Ruiz, J.J. Braun, M. Sekhar, C. Kumar,“ Comparison of resistivity and neutron probe logging for soil moisture monitoring in forested watershed”, Current Science, Vol 100, No 9, 1405 - 1412, 10 May 2011.
- Shibani Jha and M. S. Mohan Kumar (2011), “Pattern of two-phase (DNAPL-Water) flow through single fracture under temporal evolution of aperture”, International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp 131-141, April, 2011.
- Violette A., Godderis Y., Marechal J.C., Riotte J., Oliva P., Mohan Kumar M.S., Sekhar M. Braun J.J. (2010),“Modelling the chemical weathering fluxes at the watershed scale in the Tropics (Mule Hole, South India): Relative contribution of the smectite/kaolinite assemblage versus primary minerals”, Chemical Geology, Vol. 277, Issues 1-2, pp.42-60.
- Sat Kumar, Sekhar M., Mohan Kumar and Reddy, D. V. (2010), “Estimation of soil hydraulic properties and their uncertainty: comparison between laboratory and field experiment”, Hydrological processes, Vol. 24, pp. 3426-3435.
- Celia D. D’Souza and M.S. Mohan Kumar, “Comparison of ANN models for predicting water quality in distribution systems”, Journal of American Water Works Association (JAWWA), Volume 102, Issue 7, July 2010.
- Mini Mathew and M. S. Mohan Kumar (2010), “Comparative study of different formulations and solution methods for two phase flow in saturated porous media”, Water Science & Technology – WST, Vol 62, No 11, pp 2678 - 2693.
- Marechal J.C., Vouillamoz J M., Kumar M.S.M., Dewandel B. (2010),“Estimating aquifer thickness using multiple pumping tests”, Hydrogeology Journal, 18, 1787-1796.
- Barbiero L., Mohan Kumar M. S., Violette A., Oliva P., Braun J. J., Kumar C., Furian S., Babic M., Riotte J., Valles V. (2010),“Soil transformations through ferrolysis induced by recent natural drainage in Vertisols of 1 sub-humid South India”, Geoderma, 156, 173-188.
- Munavalli and Mohan Kumar M S, “Auto calibration of Dynamic Bacterial Growth Model for Water Distribution System USING GA”, Journal of Water Supply, Research and Technology-AQUA, Vol 60 No 4 pp 240-259.
- Ruiz L., Murari R. R. V., Mohan Kumar M. S., Sekhar M., Maréchal J.C., Descloitres M., Riotte J., Sat Kumar, Kumar C. and Braun J.J. (2009), “Water balance modeling in a tropical watershed under deciduous forest (Mule Hole, India)”, regolith matric storage buffers the groundwater recharge process. Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, Vol.380, Issue 3-4, pp.460-472.
- Marechal, J. C., Varma, M. R. R., Riotte, J., Vouillamoz, J. M., Kumar, M. S. M., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., Braun, J. J. (2009), “Indirect and direct recharges in a tropical forested watershed”, Mule Hole, India. Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, Vol. 364(3-4), pp. 272-284.
- Braun J.J., Descloitres M., Riotte J., Fleury S., Barbiero L., Boeglin J. L., Violette A., Lacarce E., Ruiz L., Sekhar M., Mohan Kumar M.S., M., Subramanian S., Dupre B. (2009),“Regolith mass balance inferred from combined mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical studies”, Mule Hole gneissic watershed, South India. Geochimica and Cosmochmica Acta, Vol. 73 (4), pp. 935- 961.
- Celia D. D'Souza and M. S. Mohan Kumar (2009), “Prediction of multi-components (chlorine, biomass and substrate concentrations) in water distribution systems using artificial neural network (ANN) models”, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply – WSTWS, Vol 9, No 3, pp 289 - 297.
- Munavalli GR., Mohan Kumar M.S., and M S Kulkarni, "Wall Decay of Chlorine in Water Distribution System”, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, Published by Journal of the International Water Association, Vol.58, No. 5, 2009, 316-326.
- Shibani Jha and M.S. Mohan Kumar (2009), “Multiphase models for simulating hot and slightly miscible DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase fluids) in a saturate rock fracture under deformation, Water Science and Technology”, Vol. 1.122, Vol.59, No4, 755–762, February 2009.
- M. Prasanna Kumar and M. S. Mohan Kumar, “Tuning of PID Controllers for Water Networks - Different Approaches”, Journal of American Water Works Association (JAWWA), Vol 101:7pp95-107. 2009.
- M. Prasanna Kumar and M. S. Mohan Kumar, “Comparative Study of Three Types of Controllers for Water Distribution Networks”, Journal of American Water Works Association (JAWWA), Vol 101:1 pp 74-86. 2009.
- Soraganvi, Veena. S. and M.S. Mohan Kumar, “Modelling of Flow and Advection Dominant Solute Transport in Variably Saturated Porous Media”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.14 Issue1, pp1-14, 2009.
- Marc Descloitres, Laurent Ruiz, M. Sekhar, Anatoly Legchenko, Jean-Jacques, Braun, M. S. Mohan Kumar, and S. Subramanian, “Characterization of seasonal local recharge using Electrical Resistivity, Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Sounding”, Hydrological Processes, Wiley Interscience, Vol. 22, 2008, 384-394.
- N Cao Don, M S Mohan Kumar, and H Araki, “Hydro geochemistry and Groundwater Budget in a Coastal Lowland and Plain”, International Journal of Lowland Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2008, pp. 78-83.
- Laurent Barbiero, Harshad R. Parate, Marc Descloitres, Adelphe Bost, Sonia Furian, and M.S. Mohan Kumar, C. Kumar, Jean-Jacques Braun, “Using a structural approach to identify relationships between soil and erosion in a semi-humid forested area, South India”, Catena, Vol. 70, 2007, pp. 313-329.
- Anuraga T.S., Ruiz L., Mohan Kumar M.S., Sekhar M. and Leijnses A. “Modeling the Effects of Land Use Pattern on Groundwater Budget in Semi-arid Regions A Case Study of Bethamanagala Sub-Watershed, Kolar District, South India”, Agricultural Water Management, Elsevier, Volume 84, Issues 1-2, Vol. July 2006, pp. 65-76.
- Legchenko A., Descloitres M., Bost A., Ruiz L., Reddy M., Girard J.F., Sekhar M., Mohan Kumar M.S., and Braun, J-J., “Efficiency of Magnetic Resonance Soundings applied to Characterization of anisotropic crystalline basement aquifers”, Ground Water, Journal of the National Ground Water Association USA, Vol. 44(4), 2006, pp.547-554.
- Munavalli G.R., and Mohan Kumar M. S., “Auto Calibration of Water Quality Model in A Distribution System by Genetic Algorithm”, Journal of American Water Works Association, Vol. 98, No.9, Sept 2006, 109-123.
- Hari Prasad K.S., Mohan Kumar M.S., and Sekhar M., “Analysis of Saturated - Unsaturated Flow near a Pumping Well in an Aquifer-Water Table Aquitard System”, Hydrology Journal,28(1-2), 2005pp. 19-32.
- Munavalli G.R. and Mohan Kumar M.S., “Multistep Eulerian Method for Multi component Transport in Water Networks”, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 3, Oct 2005, pp. 103-115.
- Hari Prasad K.S., Mohan Kumar M.S., Sekhar M., and Chandrasekhar B., “A Simple Numerical Model for Assessment of Ground Water Recharge”, Indian Water Resources Journal, 25(1), 2005, pp. 49-60.
- Munavalli G.R., and Mohan Kumar M.S., “Source Strength Identification of Chlorine in a Distribution System under Dynamic State”, Journal of Indian Water Works Association, Jan - Mar, 2005, pp. 53-61
- Munavalli G. R., and Mohan Kumar M. S., “Water Quality Parameter Estimation in a Distribution System under Dynamic State”, Water Research, Journal of the International Water Association, Elsevier, Vol. 39, 2005, pp.4287-4298.
- Munavalli G.R., and Mohan Kumar M.S., “Modified Lagrangian Method for Modelling Water Quality in Distribution Systems”, Water Research, Journal of the International Water Association, Elsevier, Vol. 38/13, 2004, pp.2973-2988.
- Munavalli G.R., and Mohan Kumar M.S., “Dynamic Simulation of Multi Component Reaction Transport Model in Water Distribution Systems”, Water Research, Journal of the International Water Association, Elsevier, Vol. 38, 2004, pp. 1971-1988.
- Mohan Kumar M.S and Munavalli G.R, “Discussion on Unsteady State Inverse Chlorine Modelling in pipe network”, by Al-Omari AS and Hanif Chaudhry M, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American society of Civil Engineering, Vol. 129(2), 2003, 164-165.
- Munavalli G. R., and Mohan Kumar M. S., “Optimal Scheduling of Multiple Chlorine Sources in Distribution Systems by Genetic Algorithm”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129(6), 2003, 493-504.
- Munavalli G. R., and Mohan Kumar M. S., “Water Quality Parameter Estimation in Steady State Distribution System”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129(20), 2003, 124-134.
- Hari Prasad K. S., Mohan Kumar M. S., and Sekhar M, “Modelling Flow through Unsaturated Zones: Sensitivity to Unsaturated Soil Properties”, Sadhana, Proceedings, Indian Academy of Sciences, Vol.26 (6), 2001, pp. 517-528.
- Sreepathi Reddy, R and Mohan Kumar, M S., “Comparison of Conjugate Gradient Methods and Strongly Implicit Procedure for Ground Water Flows”, Journal of Indian Institute of Science, Vol. 75, No. 16, 1995, pp.667-682.
- Sekhar, M., Mohan Kumar, M.S. and Sridharan, K., “A Leaky Aquifer Model for Hard Rock Aquifers”, Applied Hydrogeology, Vol.2, 1994.
- M. Sekhar, M.S Mohan Kumar, K.Sridharan, “Parameter estimation in an anisotropic leaky aquifer system”, Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, 1994, 163:373-391.
- Rajeev Misra, K. Sridharan, M.S Mohan Kumar, “Transients in canal Network”, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1992, 118(5): 690-707.
- Sekhar M, Mohan Kumar M.S and Sridharan K, “Parameter estimation in an aquifer - water table Aquitard System”, Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, 1992, 136: 177-192.
- Rajeev Misra, Mohan Kumar, M.S. and Sridharan, K., “Analysis of Transients in a Canal Network”, Sadhana Proc. Indian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 16, Part 1, June 1991, pp. 85-99.
- Sridharan K, Sekhar M and Mohan Kumar M.S, “Analysis of an Aquifer Water table Aquitard System”, Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, 1990, 114; 175-189.
- Mohan Kumar, M.S., Sridharan, K. and Lakshmana Rao, N.S., “Comparison of Picard and Newton Iterative Methods for Unconfined Ground Water Flows”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Civil Engineering Division, Vol. 68, Part C1, May 1988, pp. 266-271.
- Sridharan, K., Mohan Kumar, M.S. and Lakshmana Rao, N.S., “Aquifer Water Table Aquitard Model for Hard Rock Areas”, Special Issue on ‘Trends in Ground Water Research’, Journal of the Geological Society of India, Vol. 29, No. 1, Jan. 1987, pp. 145-157.
- Mohan Kumar, M.S., Sridharan, K. and Lakshamana Rao, N.S., “Modified Strongly Implicit Procedure for Ground Water Flow Analysis”, Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, Vol. 87, 1986, pp. 299-314.
- Sridharan, K., Lakshmana Rao, N.S., Mohan Kumar, M.S. and Ramesam, V., “Computer Model for Vedavati Ground Water Basin: Part 2 – Regional Model”, Sadhana, Proc. Indian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 9, Part 1, Feb. 1986, pp. 43-55.
- Mohan Kumar, M.S., Sridharan, K. and Lakshmana Rao, N.S., “Picard Iterative Methods for Steady Nonlinear Ground Water Flows”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Vol. 65, No. 10, Oct. 1984, pp. 117-127.
- Sridharan, K. and Mohan Kumar, M.S., “Parametric Study of Flood Wave Propagation”, Proceedings of ASCE, Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Sept. 1981, pp. 1061-1076.
- Sridharan, K. and Mohan Kumar, M.S., “Froude Number Effect on Wave Subsidence in Wide Channels”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 61, Sept. 1980.
- Mohan Kumar, M.S. and Sridharan, K., “Effect Wave Parameters on Subsidence”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Vol. 62(A), Mar. 1980, pp. 57-69.