Gali Madhavi Latha
+91 80 22933123
+91 80 23600404
Madhavi Latha is a Professor of Civil Engineering at Indian Institute of Science. She holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from IIT Madras, MTech degree from NIT Warangal and a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from JNT University, Kakinada. Before coming to IISc, Madhavi was an Assistant Professor at IIT Guwahati for a year (2003-2004). She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at IISc from 2002-2003. Madhavi's research interests center around fundamental aspects of soil and ground reinforcement. This has entailed studying basic friction characteristics between soils and reinforcement, understanding the strength of improved ground and shear mechanisms at a micro level. Madhavi's recent work on this subject area is to use image based techniques to understand the micro topographical surface changes in geosynthetics sheared by sands and relating them to stress-displacement response of sand-geosynthetic interfaces. Several topics explored in the area of soil reinforcement include strength and stiffness of geocell reinforced soils; model tests on geosynthetic reinforced foundation beds, retaining walls and slopes; cyclic load response of geosynthetic reinforced road aggregates; seismic response of rigid, wrap-faced, modular block faced and geocell retaining walls through shaking table studies. Madhavi also maintains an active interest in many topics in rock engineering, including numerical modelling of jointed rock masses, stability analysis of rock slopes, and rock slope reinforcement.
Tiwari, G. and Latha, G.M. (2017)"Reliability analysis of jointed rock slope considering uncertainty in peak and residual strength parameters", Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment, Available online, DOI 10.1007/s00603-016-0913-4
Vangla, P. and Latha, G.M. (2017)"Surface topographical analysis of geomembranes and sands using a 3D optical profilometer". Geosynthetics International, Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp.151-166
Ramamurthy, T., Latha, G.M. and Sitharam, T.G. (2017)"Modulus Ratio and Joint Factor Concepts to Predict Rock Mass Response". Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 50, Issue 2, pp.353-366
Tiwari, G. and Latha, G.M. (2016)"Design of Rock Slope Reinforcement: An Himalayan Case Study", Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp.592-603
Vangla, P. and Latha, G.M. (2016)"Shear behavior of sand-smooth geomembrane interfaces through micro-topographical analysis", Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 44, pp. 254-268
Vangla, P. and Latha, G.M. (2016)"Effect of particle size of sand and surface asperities of reinforcement on their interface shear behaviour", Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 44, pp. 254-268
Latha, G.M. and Santhanakumar, P. (2015)"Seismic Response Of Reduced-Scale Modular Block And Rigid Faced Reinforced Walls Through Shaking Table Tests", Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 43, pp. 307-316
Vangla, P. and Latha, G.M. (2015)"Influence of Particle Size on the Friction and Interfacial Shear Strength of Sands of Similar Morphology", International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, Vol. 1(6), pp. 1-12.
Vangla, P. and Latha, G.M. (2014)"Image segmentation technique to analyze deformation profiles in different direct shear tests", Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. GTJ20130138: 1-12, DOI: 10.1520/GTJ20130138.
Editor-in-chief, Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer.
Member, Editorial Board, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Elsevier
Vice-Chairman, Karnataka Geotechnical Center, Bangalore Chapter of Indian Geotechnical Society
Convenor of TC: Technical Committee on Ground Improvement and Reinforcement, Indian Geotechnical Society (2015 onwards)
Nominated member of TC: Technical Committee on Reinforcement, International Geosynthetics Society (2011 onwards)
Outstanding paper award from International Society of Rock Mechanics for the paper "Prediction of stress-strain response of jointed rocks using artificial neural networks" presented at ISRM International Symposium, 2010
Nominated member of TC207: Technical Committee on Soil-Structure Interaction and Retaining Walls, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2010 on wards).
"Teacher Extraordinaire" award by Builders Association of India, Mysore Centre, 2007.
Best paper award in First Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference FIYGEC-2007 for the paper "Comparison of different failure criteria for modelling jointed rocks" (2007)
Best Paper award by ISRMTT for the paper "Prediction of Stress-Strain Behaviour of Intact and Jointed Rocks in Triaxial Compression", Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunneling Technology (2002)
Best Paper award by Indian Geotechnical Society for the paper "Finite Element Analysis of Strip Footing Supported on Geocell Reinforced Sand Beds" in Indian Geotechnical Journal (2002)
Gold Medal in Civil Engineering in M.Tech. (1995)
Best Paper Award for the paper "Geocell supported Embankments" in National Seminar on Ground Improvement Methods, NIT Warangal (1998)
Best paper award for paper "Study of Soil and industrial Waste Water Interaction behaviour" during Terzaghi-94, Kakinada (1994)