Research Interests

Mechanics of granular materials, Image based deformation measurements, X-ray computed tomography,Photo-elasticity,Experimental solid mechanics, Algorithms for image segmentation and deformation measurements.


Current PhD Students

  • Sudhanshu Rathore
  • Manasa Bhat
  • Mohd Ilyas Bhat
  • Bhupendra Chand
  • Abrar Naseer

Journal Publications

  • Singh, S., Kandasami, R. K., Murthy, T. G., & Coop, M. R. (2023). On the modelling of stress-dilatancy behavior in weakly cemented sands. Soils and Foundations, 63(4), 101328.

  • Rasheed, F., Masood, T. B., Murthy, T. G., Natarajan, V., & Hotz, I. (2023). Multi-scale visual analysis of cycle characteristics in spatially-embedded graphs. Visual Informatics, 7(3), 49-58.

  • Borges, R. M., & Murthy, T. G. (2023). Building Castles on the Ground: Conversations Between Ecologists and Engineers. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 1-12.

  • Bhat, M. I., Sharma, P., Sitharam, T. G., & Murthy, T. G. (2023). Force transmission during repose of flexible granular chains. Soft Matter, 19(44), 8493-8506.

  • Murthy, T., & Tomar, G. (2022). Dynamics of fluid film on a granular chain. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.

  • Hegde, A., & Murthy, T. G. (2022). Experimental studies on deformation of granular materials during orthogonal cutting. Granular Matter, 24(3), 70.

  • Sarate P., Murthy, T.G., and Sharma P. (2022) “Column to pile transition in quasi static deposition of granular chains”, Soft Matter, 18, 2054-205

  • Singh, S. and Murthy, T.G., (2022) “Evolution of structure of cohesive granular ensembles in compression”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, p.111359

  • Pandey, K., Bin Masood, T., Singh, S., Hotz, I., Natarajan, V. and Murthy, T.G., (2022) “Morse theory-based segmentation and fabric quantification of granular materials”, Granular Matter, 24(1), pp1-20

  • Martinez A. et al (2021) “Bio-inspired geotechnical engineering : principles current work, opportunities and challenges”, Geotechnique, 71, 5, 2

  • Beleyur T., Uma D., Singh S., Somanathan H., and Murthy T.G., (2021) “The architecture, dynamics, and silk investment in social spider, Stegodyphus sarasinorum”, Animal Behaviour,179, pp 139-146.

  • Kandasami R. K., Singh S. and Murthy T.G. (2021) “Experimental investigations on stress path dependence of weakly cemented sands”, ASCE Jl. of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engrg, 147 (4), pp 04021007.

  • Singh S., Meirs J. C., Saldana C., Murthy T.G. (2020) “Quantification of fabric in cemented granular materials”, Computers and Geotechnics,125, pp 103644.

  • Zachariah N., Murthy T.G. and Borges R.M. (2020) “Moisture alone is sufficient to impart strength but not weathering resistance to termite mound soil”, Royal Society Open Science, 7:200485.

  • Zachariah N., Singh S., Murthy T.G. and Borges R.M. (2020) “Bi-layered architecture facilitates high strength and ventilation in nest mounds of fungus-farming termites”, Scientific Reports 10:13157.

  • Qiao H., Murthy T.G. and Saldana C. (2019) “Structure and deformation of gradient metal foams produced by machining”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 141, 071009.

  • Wang Z., Murthy T.G. and Saldana C. (2019) “Deformation field interaction in sequential circular indentation of a strain hardening material”, Philosophical Magazine A, 99, 10, 1259-1276.

  • Wang Z., Basu S., Murthy T.G. and Saldana C. (2018) “Gradient microstructure and texture in wedge- based severe plastic burnishing of copper”, Journal of Materials Research, 33, 8, 1046-1056

  • Yadav S., Saldana C., and Murthy T.G. (2018) “Experimental investigations on deformation of soft rock during cutting”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 105, 123-132.

  • Zachariah N., Das A., Murthy T. G. and Borges R M (2017) “Building mud castles: a perspective from brick laying termites”, Scientific Reports , 7:4692.

  • Kandasami R. K. and Murthy T. G. (2017) “Manifestation of particle morphology on the mechanical behavior of granular ensembles”, Granular Matter, 19 (2), 21- 33.

  • Wang Z., Basu S., Murthy T.G., Saldana C. (2016) “Modified cavity expansion formulation for circular indentation and experimental validation”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 97, 129-136.

  • Kundanati L., Singh S., Mandal B., Murthy T. G., Gundiah N. and Pugno N. M. (2016) “Fabrication and Mechanical Characterization of Hydrogel Infused Network Silk Scaffolds”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17 (10) 1631.

  • Yadav S., Saldana C., and Murthy T. G. (2016) “Porosity and geometry control ductile to brittle deformation in indentation of porous solids”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 88, 11-16.

  • Kandasami R. K., Borges R., and Murthy T. G. (2016) “Effect of biocementation on the strength and stability of termite mounds”, Environmental Geotechnics, 3, 2, 99-113.

  • Murthy T.G., and Das A. (2019) “Constitutive modelling of geomaterials”, Indian Geotechnical Journal, 49(4), 367-368.

  • Singh S, Kandasami R K and Murthy T. G. (2017) “Prediction of mechanical response of geomaterials using an advanced elasto-plastic constitutive model”, Proceedia Engineering, 173, 793-799.

  • Vishwanathan K, Mahato A, Murthy T.G., Koziara T and Chandrasekar S (2015) “Kinematic flow patterns in slow deformation of a dense granular material”, Granular Matter, 17, 553-565.

  • Yadav S, Saldana C and Murthy T.G. (2015) “Deformation field evolution in indentation of a porous brittle solid”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 66, 35-45.

  • Kandasami R. K. and Murthy T G (2015) “Experimental studies on the influence of intermediate principal stress and inclination on the mechanical behaviour of angular sands”, Granular Matter, 17, 217-230.

  • Bhargav S, Kandasami R K, Murthy T G and Ananthasuresh G. K. (2015) “Design of a portable compliant device for estimating the failure-load of mesoscale cemented sand specimens”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 137, 065001.

  • Huang C-Y, Murthy T G, Chandrasekar S (2014) “Simultaneous measurements of thickness and temperature profile of the lubricant film at chip-tool interface during machining process using luminescent sensors”, Proceedia Engineering, 79, 9-16.

  • Murthy T. G., Madariaga J., Huang C-Y. (2014) “Luminescent molecular sensors for assessment of temperature field in machining”, Tribology Letters, 54, 129-137.

  • Murthy T.G., Saldana C., Hudspeth M. and Saoubi R. M. (2014) “Deformation field heterogeneity in punch indentation”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 470, 20130807.

  • Du F., Yadav S., Moreno C.,Murthy T.G., and Saldana C. (2014) “Incipient straining in severe plastic deformation methods”, Journal of Materials Research, 29,5, 718-728.

  • Gourvenec, S. M., Vulpe C., and Murthy T.G. (2014) “A method for predicting the consolidated undrained bearing capacity of shallow foundations”, Geotechnique,64,3, 215-225.

  • Mahato A., Guo Y., Sundaram N., Murthy T.G., Saldana C., Chandrasekar S., (2013) “Unconstrained plastic flow at surfaces in sliding and cutting”, International Journal of Precision Technology, 3,4, 370-387.
  • `
  • Murthy T.G., Gnanamanickam E., and Chandrasekar S. (2012) “Deformation field in indentation of a granular ensemble”, Physical Review E, 85, 061306

  • Sundaram N., Guo Y., Murthy T. G., Saldana C.,Chandrasekar S. (2012), “Rotation field in wedge indentation of metals”, Journal of Materials Research, 27,1.

  • Brown T.L., Saldana C., Murthy T. G., Mann, J.B., Guo, Y., Allard L.F., King, A.H., Compton, D., and Chandrasekar, S. (2009), “A study of the interactive effects of strain, strainrate and temperature in severe plastic deformation of copper”, Acta Materialia, 57, 5491-5500.

  • Saldana C., Murthy T. G., Shankar M R., Stach E A., and Chandrasekar S. (2009) “Stabilizing Nanostructured Materials by Coherent Nano-Twins and their Grain-Boundary Triple Junction Drag”, Applied Physics Letters, 94, 021910.

  • Calistes R., Swaminathan S., Murthy T. G., Shankar M.R., and Chandrasekar S. (2009) “Controlling gradation of surface strains and nanostructuring by large strain machining”, Scripta Materialia, 60,1,17-20.

  • Huang C., Murthy T. G., Shankar M. R., Saoubi R. M. and Chandrasekar S. (2008) “Temperature rise in SPD of titanium at small strain rates”, Scripta Materialia, 58,8, 663-666.

  • Murthy T. G., Huang C., Shankar M. R., Chandrasekar S. and Sullivan J. P. (2008) “Temperature fields in severe plastic deformation at small strain rates”, Materials Science Forum, 584-586, 231-236.

  • Murthy T. G., Madariaga J. and Chandrasekar S. (2009) “Direct mapping of deformation in punch indentation and correlation with slip line fields”, Journal of Materials Research, 24, 3, 722-729.

  • Murthy T. G., Huang C. and Chandrasekar S. (2008) “Characterization of deformation fields in plane strain indentation of metals”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41, 074026.

  • Murthy T. G., Loukidis D., Carraro J. A. H., Prezzi M. and Salgado R. (2008) “Closure to the discussion on the Undrained monotonic response of clean and silty sands”, Geotechnique, 58,6, 536- 538.

  • Murthy T. G., Loukidis D., Carraro J. A. H., Prezzi M. and Salgado R. (2007) “Undrained monotonic response of clean and silty sands”, Geotechnique, 57,3, 273-288.

  • Refereed Conference Publications (2016-now)

  • Singh S. and Murthy T. G., (2022) “Structure of cemented granular materials”, 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 20th ICSMGE, Sydney, Australia

  • Hegde A., and Murthy T.G. (2021) “An experimental study on shear bands in sand using the orthogonal cutting set up”, EPJ Web of conferences, EDP Science, Vol 249, 10007

  • Hosakoti S., Yadav S., and Murthy T.G., (2021) “Mechanics of indentation in highly porous solids”, Biot-Bazant Conference 2021.

  • Zachariah N., Kandasami R K., Das A., Murthy T.G., and Borges R. M., (2019) “Strength and cementation in a termite mound”, Earthen dwellings and structures, Springer transactions in civil and environmental engineering, 131-139

  • Yadav S., Murthy T. G., and Sagapuram D. (2018) An experimental study of wedge indentation of porous solids: Implications for cutting and drilling processes, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 13th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2018-6629, V002T04A030.

  • Yadav S., Sagapuram D. and Murthy T.G. (2017) A comparative study of indentation deformation fields in porous ductile and brittle solids, Sixth Biot conference on Poromechanics, ASCE, 945-951.

  • Singh S., Miers J.C., Saldana C.J., and Murthy T. G., (2018) “Experiments show a second length scale in weakly cohered granular materials”, In micro to MACRO Mathematical Modelling in Soil Mechanics, (pp. 319-326). Birkhauser, Cham

  • Bharatraj S., Murthy T.G., and Kumaran V. (2017) Rheology of dense granular chute flow: simulations to experiments, Powders and Grains 2017, EPJ Web of Conferences, 140, 03022

  • Singh S., Kandasami R.K., Mahendran R.K., and Murthy T.G., (2017) “System size effects on the mechanical response of cohesive-frictional granular ensembles”, EPJ Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences,140, pp. 08007

  • Singh S., Kandasami R.K., and Murthy T.G., (2017) “Mechanics and modelling of cohesive frictional granular materials. In: Ferrari A., Laloui L. (eds) Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and Shales (ATMSS). ATMSS 2017. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. Springer, Cham

  • Abstracts, posters and presentations in conferences

  • Singh S., Bhat M., Murthy T. G., and Natarajan V. (2022) “Morse theory based segmentation of angular sands”, 5th International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, Grenoble, France.

  • Murthy T.G. (2021) “Fabric of weakly cemented sands”, 8th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (8thIYGEC), IIT Madras, Keynote lecture, India

  • Singh S. and Murthy T. G. (2019) “Weakly cemented sands: understanding at multiple length scales ”, 7th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Mandi, Mandi, India

  • Hegde A., Singh S., and Murthy T. G. (2019) “Random packings – insight from micro-computed tomography and contact dynamics”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, CalTech, Pasadena, California, United States.

  • Singh S., Hegde A., and Murthy T. G. (2018) “On the depositional fabric of granular ensembles”, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India.

  • Singh S., Miers J.C., Saldana C.J., and Murthy T. G. (2018) “Measurement of fabric in cohesive frictional granular materials using computed tomography”, IS Atlanta, Atlanta, United States.

  • Singh S., Miers J.C., Saldana C.J., and Murthy T. G. (2018) “Structure of cohesive frictional granular materials”, 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna, Italy.

Group Alumni

  • Dr. Ramesh Kandasami – now Assistant Professor at IIT Madras

  • Dr. Shwetabh Yadav – now Assistant Professor at IITHyderabad

  • Dr. Shravan Kumar – now Senior Scientist at Toshiba Labs

  • Dr. Saurabh Singh – now Postdoctoral fellow at University College London

  • Dr. Abhijit Hegde – now Postdoctoral fellow at INRAE, France